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  1. M

    No undo for the dock?!?

    Has anyone accidentally dropped a huge group of something into the dock? I was happily pulling my images to the Preview application when I missed and let go... to my horror all the images.. about 20 of them fell into the doc and quickly filled it. I was quite angry to realize I couldn't...
  2. M

    Give me a BREAK

    I forgot to say: You can adjust the type speed under the Keyboard app. You can modify the doc until it's just not there... I like to make it stand still, make the icons smaller, and use Comand-option-D to hide and display the dock. I love it. All these options, but why oh why can't I turn off...
  3. M

    Give me a BREAK

    Obviously everyone is experiencing the same thing.. It is slow around the edges no mater what you tweek. Don't use a background image, its a tad faster. But I'm frustrated to. you can modify the dock and windows nicely, BUT WE CAN'T TURN OFF REALTIME WINDOW DRAG, and GRAPHIC GROUP DRAGGING...
  4. M

    fonts in OSX

    in OS 9.1 you still need to use ATM to see smooth fonts. In OSX you do not, but I found they were being extra smoothed and resulting in poor looking type under Photoshop. Most people wouldn't even notice it but for a designer its devastating. I'll need to wait for an update to Photoshop before...