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  1. Rhino_G3

    SUPER fast broadband

    For those looking for more technical details here's a link to the slashdot discussion. And the original yahoo story the discussion is based off of.
  2. Rhino_G3


    I guess We'll just have to wait and see... the original story from the macrumors site has been updated
  3. Rhino_G3

    Apple going after indie labels for ITMS?
  4. Rhino_G3


    As far as the parallel lines, this would only be true if this picture was taken from a right angle from the front of the paper. From the look of things it appears to be taken from further to the right of the paper with the camera leaning toward the left side. The bottom of the paper will be...
  5. Rhino_G3

    G4 to 0.13µ

    Also keep in mind that Apple isn't the only consumer of the G4 chips. Motorolla has a huge embedded market. Cisco uses quite a few G4's in their larger routers. As far as Moto's business with apple... I feel this is just too little, too late.
  6. Rhino_G3

    G4 to 0.13µ

    Isn't a G4 is basicaly a G3 with vector extensions? I think that apple will drop the G3 from the linup and bump the G4 to the iBook whenever the 970 hits powerbooks. most current G4 chips (1.25 and 1.42 Ghz) are not actualy rated at that speed, they're actually overclocked from...
  7. Rhino_G3

    New low end Mac?

    What should also be noted is that this entry level mac would be twice the price of the lindows PC. Here in the US the entry level BMW's start at high $20k to low $30k, near twice the price of an entry level honda ($15k)
  8. Rhino_G3

    Margaret Cho, bashes Windows.

    I guess it is using the wmp format for streaming video... but you can still watch it without any MS software.
  9. Rhino_G3

    Latest 970 Rumors

    There is a little discrepency from the above from what macosrumors is stating. For the most part I wholeheartedly agree with macosrumors (there's a first for everything right :D) here's an excerpt of the article describing the hardware.
  10. Rhino_G3

    New Pro Speakers?

    ...or it could be a hint at an angular nature of the completely redesigned powermac case for the 970 based macs. What exactly is it that we didn't catch?
  11. Rhino_G3

    New Pro Speakers?

    by saying "small rectangular housings" doesn't necessitate a rectangular shape. The entire shape of the speaker could be composed of a few different rectangles at different sizes or positions. There is still much that can be done using rectangles as a basis for the structure.
  12. Rhino_G3

    Adobe Reader Questions Please Help.

    Actualy, any full version of acrobat should allow you to edit and publish PDF's. To my knowledge I think that the reader will only allow you to open up PDF's to view, not to edit anything. (unless the field has been marked editable within the PDF document)
  13. Rhino_G3

    Safari v74!

    so you're saying that it hides everyting but the active window in Safari? that's awesome :D I'll have to try that when I get back home!
  14. Rhino_G3

    Safari v74!

    It appears to work fine for me... what is not showing up properly?
  15. Rhino_G3

    Where are you getting your cover art?

    actualy what I was downloading apeared to be a binary file (a ton of control characters and jibberish), I can guarantee that it wasn't XML. I guess I'll just have to try it again later.
  16. Rhino_G3

    Where's the best online place to buy Apple systems online?

    I've used macmall and maczone I have nothing but praise for maczone. There has been times that they've overnighted parts to me at no additional shipping charge. I ordered a part 11:45 AM and by 8:30 the next day it was at my doorstep. Their reps are fast and extremely helpful.
  17. Rhino_G3

    Safari v74!

    I thought I had posted this before... mabe I hadn't. SSL stands for secure socket layer. It basically allows you to create a secure connection with a web server. It makes it a bit harder to intercept information via a 3rd party.
  18. Rhino_G3

    MSNBC review of iTunes Store

    There is no such thing as a "better" codec, there are codecs that are better suited for a specific task. One that may have better compression for voice may not sound as good in an environment of heavy beats and constaint background noise such as guitars and such. This can be demonstrated with...
  19. Rhino_G3

    Apple Music Store Ads

    Actualy, I just saw the "Baby got back" add this evening. They're definately still alive and kicking.
  20. Rhino_G3

    MSNBC review of iTunes Store

    I feel the reasoning behind the codec switch. 1.) for DRM to work properly it has to be used by apps that support the DRM standard. MP3 would be hard to use since it already has an extremely large market share with a wide variety of apps that support it. There would definately be the...