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  1. Rhino_G3

    To Convert Your Music, or Not to Convert Your Music. That is the Question

    You MIGHT be able to compensate for part of the lower and upper end loss by the use of an EQ. The high quality headphones may actually make things sound worse than lower quality headphones. You'll hear all the small imperfections within the song. If fitting more songs on the iPod is the...
  2. Rhino_G3

    iPhone - This looks like a sweet prototype

    I've actualy seen a cheap corded phone that looks remarkably like that phone. Also, I seriously doubt that apple would try to use a copy of the OS X interface on such a small display. It takes up way to much screen realestate.
  3. Rhino_G3

    How Do I Lock The HD?

    also, if you want, you can set autologin to this account. It will automaticaly start and log in the restricted user. If you need to do some changes log out via the apple menu, then log in with your admin account.
  4. Rhino_G3

    How Do I Lock The HD?

    it's extremely easy, create a second user account that is not an administrator. From the Users control panel you can set the capabilities of the account. For instance you can lock down all programs other than what you're wanting them to use. If they try to open something else they'll get a...
  5. Rhino_G3

    itunes4 music store and mp3 cds

    There are a few ways you can make an MP3 out of an AAC. If you have toast I've heard it will do it without any intervention from you. Also you could burn the audio CD and then re-rip the tracks to mp3 or non-DRM'd AAC's
  6. Rhino_G3

    Upgrade to Entourage X- can't import messages

    I imported much more messages than that and it appears to have worked fine. I know that wouldn't be the issue. Truthfully, I believe I didn't even import them, I just moved them to the correct folder and they showed up. Try looking at the structure and type of file used within entourage...
  7. Rhino_G3

    Login screen Screensaver?

    in a google search I found an app called iHook as well as a Perl script that would work as a screensaver for the login window. They can both be found here
  8. Rhino_G3

    Still gaps in tracks with iTunes

    find somebody who still has iTunes3 and get the app package from them. It should work fine. A bug in iTunes is keeping you from buying an iPod?
  9. Rhino_G3

    Damaged HD

    Correct, if you were able to locate them you could definately do this. As I said, durring a format many file systems will actualy mark bad sectors automaticaly. I know PC's will. I"m sure Mac's should do the same. Try filling up your second 60 gig partition and see what happens
  10. Rhino_G3

    Animated gifs

    It's possible that all the previously listed email programs do not support animation within the gifs. This feature is easy to turn off within any web browser, I'm sure the same could be said for the HTML rendering engine within a mail client. Unfortunately these settings may not be available...
  11. Rhino_G3

    Damaged HD

    more than likely one of two things has happened. Either the read/write heads smacked a hard disk platter and placed pits into the surface or you have misaligned or broken one of the read/write heads. Unfortunately a problem such as this is irreparable, also I know of no way to mark specific...
  12. Rhino_G3

    iTunes question.

    The only bad thing about this is the fact that you'll have either 2 copies of the song floating on your HD or that you'll have to delete the originals once they're loaded into the library. Personaly, I download my music to a specific folder. Once I get the music downloaded I'll place it in...
  13. Rhino_G3


    It's been a long time since I've used a dos/windows version of fdisk but I didn't think you could delete the current active boot partition. That's strange. Unless you find an OS 8 or below CD you'll be SOL, even if you were able to format the drive. You'll have the hardware with no OS...
  14. Rhino_G3

    PPC970 at WWDC

    Ahh yes, you're correct. It's been quite a while since my PC Architecture class. :D
  15. Rhino_G3

    iPod has LINE-IN and recording capabilities!

    If the HD was constantly spinning you wouldn't have enough charge to last the entire concert... even on a full charge. I believe the power consumption would be way too high. as far as the microphone/earphone goes... any microphone can be used as a speaker as well as any speaker as a...
  16. Rhino_G3

    Jobs' surprize

    You know what? I might actualy be able to see this. Apple has been surprising us a ton lately. Of course if you'll open up to clones then I feel a ton of people will be hopping on the bandwagon. Of course knowing Job's dislike for clones I would see it highly unlikely. Maybe they're...
  17. Rhino_G3

    Jobs' surprize

    Ditto :confused:
  18. Rhino_G3

    iPod has LINE-IN and recording capabilities!

    That's awesome. Maybe it was some of the first pods that had the 6 second limit. I guess with a 30 second limit you won't be able to use it for recording a presentation in class or anything like that... I guess it'd be more for voice notes. Still a very cool feature though. On a side...
  19. Rhino_G3

    10.2.6 released!

    You're right about that. 10.2 seems to be the most patched version of the OS that I've ever ran.
  20. Rhino_G3

    iPod has LINE-IN and recording capabilities!

    I think right now they said that it is limited to 6 seconds of recording, although once the rest of the hardware is done they'll have an update to include this feature. Truthfully, I really don't see what is so special about the same line in/line out on a device. I've done that many times to...