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  1. Rhino_G3

    Next Macs?

    Yep, from what we know know it will be produced by IBM. IBM and Motorolla currently produce the G3 and G4's in current use. IBM focusing on the G3 and Mot on the G4. I'd imagine the new machines will be badged the G5... unless apple decides to revamp the image of the powermac line...
  2. Rhino_G3

    Next Macs?

    Giaguara is correct the "g" nomenclature is done by apple... not the processor manufacturer. The G3 is technicaly the PPC 750. The G4 has been PPC 7400 series chips. (PPC= Power PC if you were wondering)
  3. Rhino_G3

    Next Macs?

    The iBook is the only Macintosh currently using the G3. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. But only when the Powermac and Xserve get the next gen processor (rumors now say IBM's PPC970)
  4. Rhino_G3

    Cool Stuff for your Mac

    I'm completely lost as to what this actualy is...
  5. Rhino_G3

    How to identify Airport Card firmware version

    If I'm not mistaken you can find this info through apple system profiler.
  6. Rhino_G3

    midi sound card

    actualy, most MIDI is done through an interface such as USB or serial rather than the sound card. MIDI is just a digital representation of the music you're wanting to play. It doesn't actualy store sound, it stores data that your MIDI "instrument" plays. Unfortunately I'm not sure where to...
  7. Rhino_G3

    no 4pin F/wire for iPod? Bye2 Apple!! Hello NetMD! >_<

    You'll definately be able to use this on both machines. I've seen a friend do it with his 10 GB model. From what I've found the best info on the 'pods can be gotten from or The both have message boards. If you ask your question on there I'm sure it'll...
  8. Rhino_G3

    Color Key for Pro Keyboard!!

    ha ha ha, Why is it that this never gets old? :P
  9. Rhino_G3

    The weirdest microphone ever.

    Yes, more than likely when they were working on the screen they never placed the microphone back into the surround of the screen. This happened to an iBook that a friend of mine had.
  10. Rhino_G3

    converting cassette to CD

    Has anybody found an adapter to do this on a B&W G3? The audio in port is a little longer than the standard 1/8th mini din connector. Using this you'll only get one channel of a stereo source.
  11. Rhino_G3

    New OS X Feature...what do you think?

    That actualy would be an excelent, simplistic method of incorporating multiple desktops into the OS X interface. I do like the idea. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that this is a high priority for apple.
  12. Rhino_G3

    Apple switching to Intel, by John C. Dvorak

    I believe it was approximately 12 to 18 months since he said this the last time :D There are emulation cards available where you can actualy place an intel chip within your mac. I haven't used them in a number of years so I'm unsure of their viability today. Back in the day they worked great.
  13. Rhino_G3

    Apple to incorporate Virtual Desktops

    Does this mean they're planning on virual desktops for the OS X Window manager? I wouldn't really benifit from X11 VD's since I don't have many apps that use X11. On the other hand I've been wanting multiple desktops since the intro of the public beta!
  14. Rhino_G3

    Apple Pro Speakers Mod

    It would be possible, although impractical, to do it for only bass. It would require you to create a bandpass filter to filter out the higher tones. It could easily be done through the use of LED's and the entire range of music. All you would have to do is find out what volts/amps you'll see...
  15. Rhino_G3

    Writing driver for Nintendo Gamecube controller via USB

    While I can't personaly vouch for the Darwin kernel I do know that the Linux kernel is written in C, not assembly. The source is freely available. Download it and take a look. Anything that is extremely time dependant and in need of great optimization is usualy written in assembly. Video...
  16. Rhino_G3

    IBM new swivel monitor, is Apple next?

    Apple already did the same thing as well as samsung. They used to be the LCD studio displays when the B&W G3's debuted. I thought they looked pretty cool when they first came out.
  17. Rhino_G3

    OSX vs Linux

    If you're ultimate goal is unix system administration you'd be better off using the PC or installing a Linix Distro on the Mac. Even though the BSD layer of OS X is POSIX compliant there is a large portion of the OS that is not standard to a unix system, just as fryke said. Having done...
  18. Rhino_G3

    PowerPC 970 Info Thread

    On another note... macwhispers has a story of two new Motherboard designs that are currently out on bid from an apple partner. From the previous timelines this should be out in 3 to 4 months. New Powermacs on the way with "completely new" motherboards? Link
  19. Rhino_G3

    Mobile Mac

    I think you're missing the point of my previous post. By easier to control I mean that you're less restricted by input method. The choices I had for input were fairly limited when it came to controlling the mac. Since I had quite a few PC parts laying around anyway it became obvious that I...