Search results

  1. bootyboy

    web site evaluation

    Just surfed by your site, and think its looks great. Man you've got some great colors :) We are planning to do some work on the interface as soon as everything (the db and php-scripts and the services offered) runs smoothly. Your site will definetly give inspiration (keep in mind that this is a...
  2. bootyboy

    web site evaluation

    hi roger and thanx for your reply. can you try and explain in a few simple word your comment on the static links? i dont quite understand your point...
  3. bootyboy

    web site evaluation

    hi. i've been working on this web site for a while, and now i need feedback on my work. the actual site is called the trash web, an internet waste site, and is an interactive web directory storing internet waste (bad sites. yes, a lot of funny stuff here...:-). please surf to the site and...
  4. bootyboy

    evaluation needed

    our cause is noble, yet in a subtle way. we want start the debate of internet abuse by putting on display all the waste that is out there. thats all! a short short description of some sort is a good idea, but its kind of hard to find the right slogan or to phrase a short explanation... any...
  5. bootyboy

    evaluation needed

    hi. i've been working on this web site for a while, and now i need your help to point out any weaknesses or whatever. check out: