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  1. ChangeAgent

    how to always Turn on Verbose Booting on OS 12.3 on a M1 MBP?

    In the good old days of Intel Mac, you entered sudo nvram boot-args=”-v” in Terminal and it worked. I tried this on my M1 MBP and it did not work. On the internet I did not find much information. One titbit I found is here: Howard...
  2. ChangeAgent

    AppleScript stopped working with VeraCrypt after update to VeraCrypt 1.25.4

    OK solved it in case anybody else looks for this. do shell script "open -a VeraCrypt --args '/Volumes/Path/ToFile/' /Volumes/NameOfFile" And for that much more elegant.
  3. ChangeAgent

    Cannot submit posts that contain -- > with

    I agree, and it does not like it in a script or in the text.
  4. ChangeAgent

    AppleScript stopped working with VeraCrypt after update to VeraCrypt 1.25.4

    Thanks folks. @DelatMac. The change did not effect the script as the -- > is only used to reflect a comment. Anybody have a solution to my script challenge here?
  5. ChangeAgent

    Cannot submit posts that contain -- > with

    Cannot submit posts that contain -- > without a space in between. I was posting a script here and spend about 30 minutes figuring out why it kept giving me an error. The problem is...
  6. ChangeAgent

    AppleScript stopped working with VeraCrypt after update to VeraCrypt 1.25.4

    I have the following script that worked fine under version 12.4 Update 8 but stopped working when I upgrade VeraCrypt to the newer version (1.25.4). I use OS 11 by the way and presently have reversed back to VeraCrypt 1.24 as I need the encrypted/decrypt files almost on a daily basis. I found...
  7. ChangeAgent

    Apple mail keeps crashing - lidArgumentException

    no idea as to where Mosul comes in?
  8. ChangeAgent

    Apple mail keeps crashing - lidArgumentException

    OS 10.15.7, Mail Version 13.4 (3608. That is it, it crashes. There seems to be no pattern to it. And I get the following message: Exception Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Description: *** -[NSProgress resignCurrent]: NSProgress was not the current progress on this thread...
  9. ChangeAgent

    Where Is Account Information Stored For Mail

    Hi Cheryl, thanks for your answer. does not exist in my setup. I did a deep search and it is nowhere. Maybe in the old setups? As a matter of fact there is no Mail folder in Home>Library>Application Support
  10. ChangeAgent

    Where Is Account Information Stored For Mail

    I am importing my mail accounts by hand as I want to have an absolute clean install. I found the mail boxes etc but can not find where mail has stored the information of my ISP accounts. Meaning everything that normally shows up here: I have imported the keychain files and the work fine...
  11. ChangeAgent

    Using CronniX v3 to create a Cron job to reboot computer.

    I have a blind server that I would like to shut down at lets say 10.15 PM. If I set CronX up like follows 15/10/*/*/* with the command 'shutdown -r now' it should reboot every day at 10.15 AM, correct? well is does not. I set this up in a user with admin privileges. I also tried: 15/10/*/*/*...