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  1. aishafenton

    Recommended Laser Printer

    It's just for home use.. So price and reliability are the most important. Not looking for a pro printer.. just a laser printer that will work well under OS X, and won't break :-)
  2. aishafenton

    Recommended Laser Printer

    Hi, Can someone recommend a laser printer for use with OS X? Thanks, Aisha
  3. aishafenton

    Virtual Desktops...what do you want?

    Apple and Nyro had a press release ages ago that said that Apple has asked Nyro to port their "Award Winning" VirtSpace to Mac OS X. However that was ages ago, and I haven't heard anything about it since?!??! I would kill for Virtual desktops in Os X. What I would really want in a product...
  4. aishafenton

    Java 1.4

    Noy yet. But there are working on it.. or so they say.
  5. aishafenton

    iTunes plug-in

    I have looked through Apple's iTunes plugin API, and it seems that the only supported type of iTunes plugin is the "visual plugin". In the API they have a couple of hooks for device plugins, but these are not very well documented - and they seem to be for hardware device support (like the...
  6. aishafenton

    iTunes plug-in

    hehe, I was just going to post in this group for the same reason!!! I have been downloading some Amiga mod files (ah nastelga) and have really wished iTunes could play them. Actually winamp support just about all those formats by default, so my other motivation was to keep iTunes in feature...
  7. aishafenton

    Menubar icons HOWTO

    BUT..... There is quite a key difference between the window's sys-tray and Menu-extra API. The reason the windows sys-tray gets so bloated is that the user doesn't have much control over what apps decide to put there stupid icons there.. which I agree really sucks. The menu-extra API works...
  8. aishafenton

    Menubar icons HOWTO

    It's a shame the API is private... I can see why Apple has always thought that the menubar is their property and shouldn't really have third party apps cluttering it up. But since in 10.1 they have given us back the very useful control strip and have put it in the menubar... it makes it very...
  9. aishafenton

    Menubar icons HOWTO

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. However I don't mean fancy menu widgets, but rather I want to create a "menu extra" application. Menu extras are the new application types that came with 10.1, such as and I believe the API for this is undocumented, but people has...
  10. aishafenton

    Menubar icons HOWTO

    Hi, Does anyone know how to create a menu bar extra (like the clock/display menubar icons). Is there an API for this? Is there some documentation on how to create an application like this anywhere??? I have looked and couldn't find anything. Thanks heaps,
  11. aishafenton

    MAX UAE for OSX has an update...

    Cool it runs about 1/2 my Amiga games now. The sound is often choppy and there are a few crashes.. But considering just a while ago, it couldn't run anything without crashing.. they've done a great job. Can't wait for the next release!!!!
  12. aishafenton

    OS X.2 What do YOU want??

    The icon in the finder toolbar for "computer" has to change!! It's an icon of an old-style iMac.. But somehow I can't see a new style iMac icon being right either??? Perhaps they should allow you to theme the icons (without having to hack into the resource forks :D).
  13. aishafenton

    iPhoto quirks!?

    I have been playing around with iPhoto all day :D It is all SJ said it would be, so hurrah for Apple! But has anyone noticed the following little quirks? (Might just be my computer of course). * The window resizing is really really slow. It makes OmniWeb's resizing of a busy webpage look...
  14. aishafenton

    It is not ended yet. Power Mac G4 1400 is coming later today!

    Hope so. The new iMac kicks ass. Had my reservations at first, but now I really think Apple come up with something that is truly kick ass. And fark! how about that price! Running it past the girlfriend test (who normally doesn't blink an eye at apple products), the response was "Wow! shit...
  15. aishafenton

    Just one more sleepless night

    Did SpyMac predict this slogan??
  16. aishafenton

    We are the robots, any1?

    <br> Kraftwerk are my fav band!! IMHO It wasn't just their use of electronica, it was the way they constructed songs that made them original too. Why the rest of the of the world (eno included) was producing more long and experimentive songs. (Which was a good thing, but everyone...
  17. aishafenton

    Homepage banner's are star-trekkin'

    <br> They are mostly star-trek take offs!!! The new one "Full speed ahead - lust factor ten" is one also. Why are they doing this?? Does it mean anything???? Perhaps all this hype about something really special being released at MWSF hasn't been intentional. Maybe the geeks got hold of...
  18. aishafenton

    Forget the iWalk, this is what Apple is releasing (with proof)

    Gee, some of the replies to the iWalk over at Macslash are getting a bit stropy. The posts are going along the line of "This better not be real!! because if it Steve Jobs needs to be sacked".. and "How is this 'big' - it's nothing". Well.. i don't know. What do people want!?!? I think...
  19. aishafenton

    The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

    I want a rocket propelled speed boat. Or a more flexable and featured Dock.
  20. aishafenton

    How do you launch an app?

    I don't really mind where they are :-) I really enjoy OSX's GUI. And I certainly didn't mean to sound like I was slagging it off. I like using folder aliases in the dock as my app launcher (and Launchbar too).. But since it isn't a feature that Apple is actively marketing I'm not sure how...