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  1. GroundZeroX

    Tablet PC and Settlement

    The Tablet PC was officially released 2 hours before the ruling came out. If you don't believe me, go to Sherlock 3, and add Microsoft to yoru stock channel, and you can see the break down of that day based on hours. Microsoft had to have some sort of influence, because this was the only time...
  2. GroundZeroX

    Tablet PC and Settlement

    Did anyone notice that the same day Microsoft announces the release of Tablet PC Edition to XP, is the same day that the Justice Department pretty much clears Microsoft? Bill Gates had his hand in some peoples pockets, and its obvious. Microsoft has a tendancy to have their stock price jump up...
  3. GroundZeroX

    The Downfall of Apple Computer

    Apple won't merge with any other company, or get bought out for that matter. Their name is worth Billions. No other computer company has the brand recognition that Apple has. The name Apple with computers, is like Nike and sports stuff. Worst thing Apple will do is go software only. Even then...
  4. GroundZeroX


    I would like to see the capability to see iSync sync with other webbased calendars, like AOL (Since Apple is already doing alot of work with them) or MSN.
  5. GroundZeroX


    I think it would be cool to have tighter integration among all the iApps, and the Finder. Like being able to select an item, and go to the File Menu, and from there, file transfer it toa ny of the buddys you have online. The ability to share your iTunes library through ichat like you can with...
  6. GroundZeroX


    What features would you guys like to see in the future of the iApps, and what kind of iApps would you like to see in the future? I personally would like to see tighter integration between iPhoto and .Mac, better reminders in iCal that would give you the ability to "snooze" like in Entourage...
  7. GroundZeroX

    Losing faith in Apple?

    Windows XP maybe more responsive, but OSX, Quartz and all is still faster. My friend has a Dell Pentium IV 1.7 GHZ, with 256 MBs or RAM, and while his system is more responsive, it hangs if you try to do more then 4 or 5 things. My iBook on the other hand, being only 600MHz, with no Quartz...
  8. GroundZeroX

    Losing faith in Apple?

    All I was really saying was that compared to Microsoft or Intel, we are left in the dark. You can go anywhere, and read about the current projects at Microsoft, or Intel. Like Project Longhorn, and Blackcomb over at Microsoft. Everyone knows that with Longhorn, the .Net will come into its full...
  9. GroundZeroX

    Losing faith in Apple?

    The thing about the resizing is this. Everything is being double buffered. This is done so that you don't get that ugly effect that Windows gets when messing with windows when the system is busy. What it does is, even though a window maybe shrunken so that not all the icons are viewed, the icons...
  10. GroundZeroX

    Competition to Chimera out on Windows / Linux

    Pheonix isn't just Mozilla with a different about box, and icons. Mozilla was written to let you do HTML editing using WYSIWYG tools, as well as go on chat (either on AIM or IRC), do e-mail, among other things. Pheonix is just a straight web browser. It doens't have all the extra overhead.
  11. GroundZeroX

    Losing faith in Apple?

    Itanium, in response to your question. Windows 2000 and Windows XP has transparency and ETC, but, its not PDF based. Its all bitmap based. It takes more to do all of this stuff with PDF then it does for bitmaps. Microsoft is working on technology that will do for Windows, what Quartz does for...
  12. GroundZeroX

    Losing faith in Apple?

    Boeing 777, WIndows 2000 is based off of Windows NT 5.0 kernal. DOS isn't being used anymore in OS's from now on, over at Redmond.
  13. GroundZeroX

    Losing faith in Apple?

    I too have com under pressure to go to PC. I am the only one in my family using a Mac, and my family is looking at getting a new computer. My step father fell in love with the 17' iMac, but then he found out about Windows Media PC Edition. For less money then the 17' iMac, he is seeing a...
  14. GroundZeroX

    MSN 8 for Mac users too?

    The only thing new on MSN 8 is the junk mail filter. Beyond that, all of it is just chunks of code from software that Microsoft has given away for years. Like the parental control that they are using right now is the same one they used when Internet Explorer 3.0. The problem is that on its...
  15. GroundZeroX

    10.2.2 seeded!

    We probably won't see 10.3 till the same time we saw Jaguar this year. Apple will probably send out beta copies out at the beginning of next year, without any major features, just to get the innards down, then at probably WWDC, they will show off the features, and then we will wait till probably...
  16. GroundZeroX

    iDisk space explodes to 1 gigabyte!!!

    Mine does it, but only in the evenings. The most logical solution I can think of, is Apple is doing maintenance, and as they do it, some preferences aren't set right. It only happnes for a short period for me.
  17. GroundZeroX

    Inkwell - Proof

    Steve Jobs already stated that he wants to see what kind of market this kind of product would have, before Apple will make one.
  18. GroundZeroX

    Windows Media 9 VS MPEG-4

    I was taking alot of what this guy was saying into account thinking that maybe he was telling the truth to a certain extent, but when i read his part about the Instant On streaming, and abotu how Apple really isn't doing it because it still buffers all the time, he lost all credibility with me...
  19. GroundZeroX

    Cocoa IE and MSN Messenger...but not office or WMP?

    I stand corrected. I am just skeptical all together about Microsoft to be perfectly honest.
  20. GroundZeroX

    Cocoa IE and MSN Messenger...but not office or WMP?

    There really isn't much of a need for Office to go to Cocoa right now. It would take a massive effort, that would be probably be well over a year to do it. Another thing, is that I seriously doubt that Internet Explorer and MSN Messenger will go to Cocoa, because these are two things that are...