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  1. L

    Sherlock 3 and html

    uabo, you took the words out of my mouth. I'm not so sure this is the way to go. Microsoft gets branded a monopolist for integrating the OS and the web browser, etc etc. While I'm no friend of Redmond, I must admit that this practice leads to a far faster browser. However, I think it better...
  2. L

    Sherlock 3 >> Apple web browser?

    I was just looking at the Jaguar stuff at Aside from being bummed that I need a new graphics card to get Quartz Extreme going, I was intrigued by what I saw of Sherlock 3. I really never use Sherlock except to find stuff on my own disk, as google does as well or better in finding...
  3. L

    Melissa virus, any Mac danger for Word files I need?

    I need a Word file a friend of mine has that I KNOW is infected with the Melissa virus. I am under the impression that this is only a problem on Windows machines. If I open it with Word X will I be OK? I don't think he has the technical skills to detoxify the thing, so if it is a problem is...
  4. L

    How to not wrap text in Entourage X?

    Whenever I send plain text e-mail through Entourage it wraps it to some column width (80?). This is annyoing since not everyone views it that way, and when I get quoted in replies to myself I see lovely line breaks where they don't belong. I've looked through the options and preferences and all...
  5. L

    can't get OS X to let me ssh without a password

    I know not to enter a passphrase when generating the key. Like I said, I can get this to work on Linux machines.... I already had tried rsa1, although I didn't type what you suggested, just ssh-keygen. This is what I had used on Linux (although I've now also gotten rsa2 to work on a different...
  6. L

    can't get OS X to let me ssh without a password

    Still nothing. Asks me for a password everytime. Is it possible that the generated key is of a different length than the expected key? That seems unlikely given that the key I generated on OS X lets me into my Linux box sans password, but it doesn't work the other way around. This makes me think...
  7. L

    can't get OS X to let me ssh without a password

    I have setup public/private keys on Linux to let me ssh without a password. Works fine from Linux to Linux. However, when I try to do the same between my Linux box and OS X it's no go. I have made keys with ssh-keygen -d. I put the public key it generates on my OS X box in...
  8. L

    X Win browsers?

    Has anyone gotten a web browser to run under X windows on OS X? The sad state of browsers on OS X has me longing for Konqueror (not gonna happen methinks) or even Mozilla or Netscape. There are versions of Mozilla for OS X that run nice and quickly, but can't load about 1/2 the webpages I...
  9. L

    XFree86 file explorer

    While decidely unsexy, midnight commander could serve that function. That's half GUIish :). What about using Gnome? That will run on Xfree86 on OS X.
  10. L

    lpd/lpr printing... do I need to allow access?

    That may be. I restarted xinetd and added the computer name to hosts.allow. Now when I tell it to print something it brings up the printer icon on the dock, and then it goes away, as if it were done sending the info, but nothing prints. Also looking carefully at it if I print a multi page...
  11. L

    lpd/lpr printing... do I need to allow access?

    The port is open, and I had no hosts.lpd so I created it. I just put the names of the computers in it: name1 name2 I restarted lpd, but still nothing. I do get an error message in OS X that the printer is not responding... not sure if that's new or if I was just too impatient to wait...
  12. L

    lpd/lpr printing... do I need to allow access?

    I am trying to configure my Linux box to be a print server for OSX. Everything seems setup on the Linux side, it prints fine, and I followed instructions on to set up lpd and lpr. When I enter the IP address as an LPR printer in the print center and then try to print...
  13. L

    This guy makes pimp-apps

    Never have I really wanted an iPod... until now. This is great great stuff. I used to record the radio as a kid hoping to catch a good song. Except this sounds better. I can now have a revolving door of music... I get tired of things easily. Oh, and as a public service, do yourself a favor...
  14. L

    IR in VPC?

    I was hoping to get the IR port going on virtual PC so I could sync my iPac without bringing my cradle to school. Anyone done this successfully? I have WinMe on there right now. Thanks.
  15. L

    Why don't I have pico?

    Well, I tried to reinstall, and that didn't work. My OSX partition was greyed out, and I was told it was dimmed because it had different languages than what I was trying to install. I don't know what they mean by that. Do they mean French, German, etc. or languages in the coding sense of the...
  16. L

    Why don't I have pico?

    No, it's not the path, I really don't have them. I did which vi to find out where it lived, which is indeed /usr/bin. So I looked in there and there is no pico, no grep, and if man lives there it's not there either.
  17. L

    Why don't I have pico?

    Hmmm... I thought this was my problem, but BSD.pkg is indeed there in my receipts.
  18. L

    can I serve sftp but not ftp?

    I grab stuff off of my home computer all the time, and have some stuff set up for friends to grab as well. I know I can ssh in, but sftp would be nice too. How would I set things up to allow sftp transfers, but NOT ftp transfers? The security aspect concerns me.
  19. L

    Why don't I have pico?

    I sure as heck thought I did. I customize to deselct all the languages I don't need to save space, maybe I unchecked the BSD subsystem by mistake. Is there any way to add just that without having to redo the whole thing? It's quite annoying to have to install 10.1 and then get all the various...