Search results

  1. L

    Why don't I have pico?

    In the process of trying to install other things I've learned that I also don't have "grep". Nor do I have "man" or "su". If the "patch" command is supposed to be standard I don't have that either. What's going on here? I have the developer's tools installed also (but not all of them, I...
  2. L

    Why don't I have pico?

    I recently reinstalled OSX onto my powerbook and now I lack emacs and pico. Any idea what's up? I don't recall installing them on my own before. All I have is vi (which I have no idea how to use). Nothing else in /usr/bin or anywhere else that I can see. If anyone know why they're missing...
  3. L

    I killed my OSX with Linux... can't reinstall HELP!

    I think I enjoy talking to myself... but maybe someday someone else will see this and solve their problem.... So I'm not stuck anymore. I let the X.1 CD flounder long enough and it gave me a kernel panic. This made me think it was something hardware related, and I realized that I had...
  4. L

    I killed my OSX with Linux... can't reinstall HELP!

    So I watched it fail this time. What it says when I try to install X.0 is this. Operation not permitted. (this is up for a second or two) Then it changes to: Could not unarchive files. Please try installing again.
  5. L

    I killed my OSX with Linux... can't reinstall HELP!

    OK, so I have a big huge useless Pismo Powerbook now. The story (in brief): I installed Yellow Dog Linux on my Powerbook, wiping the hard drive and starting from scratch. Worked just fine. Realizing I needed a second partition to reinstall OSX I booted from my OS9 CD and used the drive...
  6. L

    Cool finder trick... now how did I do it?

    OK, y'all got me thinking about how this whole thing was actually acting. It is just an alias, and it is actually incredibly simple to do. Just drag anything that is NOT your home folder up there. If you drag your home folder the plist will show an entry of HOME. I used the utilities folder...
  7. L

    Cool finder trick... now how did I do it?

    I guess I should add that the DS9 icon is my home folder icon at the moment. Yeah, the other users have a little house. The only other thing worth mentioning is that logged in as another user my home folder still has a custom icon, instead of reverting to a folder. All others are folders and...
  8. L

    Cool finder trick... now how did I do it?

    that's not what I'm wondering. That's easy enough to do, just change the computer.icns in System/Library/CoreServices/ to a new one with the same name (it has to be a 32x32 icon). Changing the home icon is what I'm wondering about, because unlike changing the...
  9. L

    Cool finder trick... now how did I do it?

    This has been bugging me for awhile, and hopefully someone knows how to do it. Many moons ago I saw a hint for changing the home icon in the finder toolbar. I did it. It's very nice. My home icon now is the same as whatever icon I put on the home folder. Looks snazzy. I have no idea how I did...
  10. L

    And where's the speed?

    From various reports (which I guess means beta testers violating their nondisclosure agreements) finder speed is much improved in the forthcoming 10.2. I don't know if that means it's been replaced with a cocoa finder, or if they just go the current one working better. At any rate it shows...
  11. L

    "XXX Girls, Girls Girls" (just kidding): Q regarding OS X features

    my suspicion is that when you installed X you didn't customize it and took the default install. This installs a ton of localized settings, and it stands to reason that those would include fonts. I never have done this, I always customize the install and deselect them to save space so I can't be...
  12. L

    Mac V.S PC

    I think you said already that you've tried ASM. This adds the feature of os9 you mention to OSX when it comes to seeing what's running. I switched from PC to Mac as OS9 was coming out, so I have some experience with it, and tons with Windows. I much prefer the way X does things. Why anyone...
  13. L

    Ways to adjust screen resolution?

    Perhaps I didn't explain well enough. I run in 1152*870 in OSX. Everything is fine. If I set the monitor to 1152*870 in XP the left part of the screen is not used. Nothing is attempting to draw to it, and the image is smaller and to the left. Nothing is cut off or anything, but it's...
  14. L

    dual boot questions

    I am wondering about dual booting on both Mac and PC. I recently installed Red Hat on my PC, which already had XP on it. I told the installer to install GRUB (I think that's the name, it's the one that isn't LILO). But GRUB never comes up. It goes straight to XP unless I put in my boot disk...
  15. L

    Ways to adjust screen resolution?

    I am having some difficulty with my screen. I have a 17" Cinema Display. It works fine with my Mac. I also have an x86 box using it with a KVM switch. When the x86 box (Windows or Linux) sees it they don't use the full screen when set to the same resolution. Under XP I can use the...
  16. L

    10.1.3 now avalable via software update

    :mad: still no support for my freaking Sony Spressa USB CD-R. Very annoying. However, system preferences seems to open up much more quickly now.
  17. L

    Shaq bans all but iPods from Lakers bus!

    Yes, I see your point. I was just saying that there is more promise in the current slogan than initially strikes you. Apple needs to just air that edited down as a one minute commercial or something. That piece is awesome. They could never do it without bankrupting themselves though, because...
  18. L

    Shaq bans all but iPods from Lakers bus!

    Personally I'll throw my amateur advertising expertise in here... I think they need to pump up the logo and not worry about the name so much. Nike IS the swoosh. They don't say, just do it Nike. It's Just Do It... Swoosh. If the campaign were the Apple logo and "Everything is Easier" I think...