Search results

  1. changomarcelo

    iPod with radio

    Well, they can also add a cammera too :D
  2. changomarcelo

    iPod with radio

    Dear Apple: I would like an iPod model with AM and FM radio. That would be great and it isn't very difficult to build. Pleaseeeeeeee!!!! :D
  3. changomarcelo

    Instant Messengers!!!!

    Wich Instant Messenger do you use???? I would also like to give you my ICQ number and AIM, MSN Screen names for you to add me to your lists and become buddies!! I think it would be a good idea that you do the same :) ICQ: 47712985 AIM: marcelohruiz MSN:
  4. changomarcelo


    I think they shoul call it "El Ratón"
  5. changomarcelo

    Your iPod Name

    I do not usually name my computers nor other things without life :D
  6. changomarcelo


    New iMac G4 700 Mhz CDRW: U$D 2320 (U$D 1399 in US) iMac G4 800 Mhz Superdrive: U$D 3204 (U$D 1900 in US)
  7. changomarcelo


    Paragon, if you would like to buy the same computer and the same display in Argentina, you would have to pay 4200 dollars!! That´s a lot of money, I think it´s a lot for anyone who lives in denmark, USA, China or any country, but imagine that, for me, 4200 dollars means 18 times my monthly...
  8. changomarcelo

    M$ Intelli Eye driver killed my mouse!!!!!

    I've been using a MS IntelliEye Mouse without the MS drivers and without the full functionality of all the buttons. I have downloaded today the drivers for OS X and installed it and take a look of what happend!!!! If I clic my Applications folder in the dock the Hard Disk folders opens!! If...
  9. changomarcelo

    Video cards? Do they work?

    Thank you!!!!
  10. changomarcelo

    Video cards? Do they work?

    Do PC video cards work in a Mac G3 350 MHZ?? I want to take advantage of the Quartz Extreme technology in 10.2 and I want to buy a ATI Radeon card or any card with GeForce 3 or MX chip. But I can only get PC video cards and I don´t know if they work in a Mac.
  11. changomarcelo

    What I think about iPhoto 1.1

    I liked iPhoto very much, and I decided to install the new version. It was a good idea to add brighnest and contrast slide controls, but they work extremely slow in my Mac!!! About one secondo or more since I click on a slider, until it get the focus. And then, the movement is terribly slow. I...
  12. changomarcelo

    Windows 95/Widnows XP matchup!

    Let me see if I understood... Japaneses are fast and clever and Women are complicated and idiot!!! :D
  13. changomarcelo

    Overclocking!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~

    Hey!! take a look to this site: In the Macintosh TuneUp section you can choose a Mac Model to get instructions to overclok it. I haven´t done it yet because I would like to know if there´s any danger in doing so. I would also like to know if...
  14. changomarcelo

    Trail Download of Dreamweaver MX 5.0 now is out!

    Wow!! It´s terrible slowl! :( 6.85 KB/s here
  15. changomarcelo

    Desktop picture tibook

    I also want that picture!! :D
  16. changomarcelo

    What happend at last?

    I still remember that article in wired saying that the new iMacs are slower in Internet than a Windows PC. What happend? Was that true? Did Apple said anything about that?
  17. changomarcelo

    Help a Cocoa dummie!!

    Hi! I recently started learning Cocoa and objective-C from Apple docs. Do someone know if there is a good site with examples and tutorials explained in an easy language? I visited, but there isn´t much stuff there... I would like to find some tutorial that teach me with...
  18. changomarcelo

    New eMac!!!

    I actually like this new eMac than the iMac2. Even though it was designed for students, I do prefer an eMac!!!
  19. changomarcelo

    usted habla español?

    Actually, your spanish is horrible, but very funny!! :D Babel Fish is good to translate one or two words, but it can't translate a whole sentence with sense. It really sucks! But the most funny thing is when you use it to re-translate a text several times, for example.... I will translate...
  20. changomarcelo

    usted habla español?

    Hi! I speak spanish, I live in Argentina. If you would like to contact me to tell me what your app is about or just to send me what you want me to check, just e-mail me to And here goes the same message in spanish: ¡Hola! Yo hablo español, vivo en Argentina. Si...