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  1. efoivx

    OS X Swap file

    To a minor point I would have to agree to this... Though the speeds that drives run at these days it would be minor but it is still related as to why you would use a separate partition or drive. I do want to mention that 10.1 has made amazing strives to cut down on the need for VM. only in...
  2. efoivx

    Refugee from Macnn

    I have visited macnn for news and read the the posts... I must say in the course of the last year macnn news and posters have declined. The news is unbelievable off and late sometimes inaccurate. The poster behave like children with nothing better to do. Some friends and I have been talking...
  3. efoivx

    OS X Swap file

    Some info The swap is much like virtual memory. It uses disk space to page in and out data that ram doesn't have room for and does this with some intelligence lower priority things are what will swap first allowing things with higher priorities to get more of the real ram. NOTHING is...
  4. efoivx

    [HOWTO] - Enable double arrows in Finder windows

    I have been using Mac os since version5 on a Mac 128k and I am Apple certified. I have 6 machines here one has OS 9 and anouther has 8.5 I could go older but that wouldn't matter since this is about contextual menus. I tried on both OS 9 and 8.5 just to be sure I was not loosing my mind...
  5. efoivx

    [HOWTO] - Enable double arrows in Finder windows

    What?! your message doesn't make much sense. mouse activated menu? last time I checked all menus are mouse activated. What do you mean by a "timed click" in OS 9 I have been using Mac OS over 15 years and I am lost by what you are asking. What menu in 10.1 only comes up by a control...
  6. efoivx

    [HOWTO] - Enable double arrows in Finder windows

    *IF* some people actualy took the time to read and check they would realize. but some are quick to judge and make assumtions... There is NO way to do this from the Sys Prefs genral panel! To answer the question on how to find these things... Understanding unix helps ;-) you can use the...
  7. efoivx

    [HOWTO] - Enable double arrows in Finder windows

    I had a feeling some people might like this one. The only problem is as fast as we find the hidden features apple makes em harder to find or disables them completely...
  8. efoivx

    [HOWTO] - Enable double arrows in Finder windows

    to enable double arrows at both ends in a terminal type defaults write "Apple Global Domain" AppleScrollBarVariant DoubleBoth to switch back type defaults write "Apple Global Domain" AppleScrollBarVariant Single you need to force restart the finder or log out and back in to see the...
  9. efoivx

    10.1 On Legacy Macs

    I wouldn't - simple as that g3 is the absolute least and at that it's rough. all sorts of compatability issues could pop up the machines of today are radically different. I'm just being honest it really isn't the best idea.
  10. efoivx

    Changing swapfile location to separate disk in 10.1

    moving the swap in any case has little to do with speed you'll notice unless you have less than 128 meg of ram. the swap is paged memory that steps in when real ram is not avaiable... it's much more optimized than classic VM but similar. You WILL notice it if you run ALOT of apps at once like me...
  11. efoivx

    Clean Install and setting up swap...

    Honestly you won't see a heck of a big difference using a swap on just a partition... the benefit is minimal unless it's on a completely seperate drive. My swap is on a completely seperate drive and it really doesn't make a huge difference in speed. I do see the spinning beachball less. but...
  12. efoivx

    Thanks Apple

    Speed is much improved and will get better with time and hardware. ANY MODERN SOFTWARE for the most part REQUIRES SUFFICIENTLY MODERN HARDWARE! sorry for yelling but I really think there are a bunch of plain lame dumb asses out there that expect the NEWEST software to run on a 2 year old...
  13. efoivx

    10.1 Distribution, how?

    The reason Apple no longer allows others to distribute it's updates is simple. 1. Distributing themselves allows them exacting #s as to how many upgrade this in turn is used for marketing stats and such. 2. they have complete control of the quality of what you receive... there is always...
  14. efoivx

    10.1 Distribution, how?

    You spent 3800 and you are worried about 20 more. I'm sorry this is just petty...
  15. efoivx

    10.1 Distribution, how?

    I am currently running build g48 and trust me it's worth the 20 bucks. honestly it's $20.00 not $80.00 or more that MS charges for minor bug fixes. A Lot of work is going into X. As for 9.1, 9.2 ......... minor fixes are usually free but you DIDN'T! get 8.6 to 9 for free! nor did you get...
  16. efoivx

    Desktop Folder & Temporary Items folder

    Thanks, I just wanted to be sure first ... Cheers
  17. efoivx

    Desktop Folder & Temporary Items folder

    I have several partitions and 2 drives and these 2 folders keep reapearing I didn't see them before now they keep comeing back even if I delete them... on all the drives and partitions? Desktop Folder & Temporary Items folder should I just make them invisible? so they are not in the way...
  18. efoivx

    Network drive auto mounting

    here it is in all it's simple Apple glory. I was trying so hard to find a way to do it through Networking or through a unix solution but found it in Applescript. The reason this eluded me was that in 9 or older you needed an osax addition to mount afp volumes. It appears it is now included...
  19. efoivx

    Network drive auto mounting

    While pokin around the sbin I found the command mount_afp if you type this to the cli you get this [localhost:~] efo% mount_afp usage: mount_afp [-o option1[,option2...]] afp://[username:password]@rhost[:port]/volume node so I tried mount_afp...
  20. efoivx

    Network drive auto mounting

    Anyone? I have searched the forum and apples site and can't seem to find anything. some way to do it from the unix side must exist. any clues?