Search results

  1. Z

    Zip drive and applications

    1) OS X PB can't mount PD formatted Zip's -- are you sure yours is Mac formatted? (I only ask because all mine are PC disks...) But then it should ask if you want to format it, huh? Hmm. 2) Select a document in the finder and "Get Info" on it. Then go to the "Applications" pane and select a...
  2. Z


    Hey -- re-read that paragraph! It specifies quite clearly that (despite the "do not consider" sentence) that Apple can and may use any good idea you send them. And Vroom's point about "unsolicited" is important. And if you listened to Jobs's keynote, you would have heard a lot about the...
  3. Z

    afp copying: could not determine if file or folder error

    Thanks a lot! (Sorry for not searching first...) Any idea if mount sends the passwords securely? Or is it cleartext (ugh!)? I have heard tell that it is possible to encrypt any TCP stream... but I'm not sure how to do so. Any ideas? Zach
  4. Z

    afp copying: could not determine if file or folder error

    I didn't know you could mount AFP disks! That's something i'd like to do -- does it just go through the mount command? (Once I get this done, I'll tell you if I have the same problem...) Zach
  5. Z

    Install In UNIX

    OS X doesn't support ext2 natively. UFS is the UNIX filesystem that OS X supports. ext2 is more of a LINIX filesystem that some unices support, IIRC. (And I may be wrong about the last part, but I am sure OS X won't install on / read from ext2) Zach
  6. Z

    How to shutdown osX UI? (so i can use Xfree86)

    First I would like to mention that people now have XFree86 running side-by-side with aqua. It's pretty cool (and hopefully only getting better). Basically, there is a hotkey to switch from X11 back to OS X, and then to go back, you click on a docked application. Way faster than VNC...
  7. Z


    Well strobe thinks this is an idiot idea, but I really would like to see a VNC Server for quartz. This probably entais finding a way to get at the quartz framebuffer, then porting code. So probably not a terribly interesting project, unless you're totally into VNC. And here are some ideas for...
  8. Z

    XEarth + Desktop Backgrounds.

    This brings up a lot of interesting things. <TT> [axlotl:~] zpincus% defaults read DesktopViewOptions { ArrangeBy = grid; BackgroundFlags = 0; BackgroundPictureURL = "file://localhost/omega/pictures+movies/Desktops/fezpower_1024.jpg"; BackgroundType =...
  9. Z

    Moving Applications around

    Where would Apple have been using symlinks? The dock uses some wierd plist mechanism that is neither link nor alias to keep track of its files. The OS 9 finder has the same problem with misplacing sherlock (I did this intentionally so when I hit command-F the old (fast, commercial-free) find...
  10. Z

    UnZip 5.41 on OSX

    unzip 5.22 is installed on my machine and works fine. But I installed the dev tools, and I can't remember if it was there before. I assume you have checked if it is there? Zach
  11. Z

    Using Internet applications in Classic environment

    You need a piece of software called "Portreflector" or similar (look on versiontracker) to make modem connections available to classic apps. Zach
  12. Z

    Moving Applications around

    The fact that the sherlock location seems to be hard-coded into does strike me as a bit of a bug... but then again, I think that the same problem appears in OS 9. I looked through all the plist files, but none contain a path to sherlock, so I can't help there. I do want to note...
  13. Z

    how to login as console?

    Logging in as >console from the login screen (no password) takes you to the console login. But if it doesn't accept your root password in the terminal, it won't from the console login... Make sure you're typing the password correctly and that the caps lock is off. If it still doesn't accept...
  14. Z - multiple desktops

    Strobe -- A lot of people find virtual workspaces very useful. Just like a lot of people find a desktop littered with drives and files useful. People think in different ways, and that needs to be respected. There's really no reason to suggest that other people's workflows are somehow improper...
  15. Z

    Contexual Menu

    Strobe -- I know this, and I think my last post made that pretty clear. My question was if you knew the status of SOM in OS X, and if Contextual Menu Modules were SOMObjects or depended on SOM some other way. If you have an answer, or remember where you saw that CMM's could be carbonized, I...
  16. Z

    Contexual Menu

    I may be way off, but I thought CMMs were instances of SOMObjects, the last vestiges of the OpenDoc libraries liscensed from IBM. I further thought that SOMObjects were to be banished from OS X... But I am not entirely sure on either count. Strobe, I remember a few posts you made about trying...
  17. Z

    Linked Applications

    Typing open -a appname will open an application named appname if it is in the Applications folder (I don't know if open can find apps in subfolders thereof.) Just typing ./ doesn't work because "" is a folder that contains the application and its resources. (You could...
  18. Z

    ext2 support and MacOS X

    AFAIK, OS X by default natively supports HFS, HFS+ and UFS. Check the Darwin developer info or CVS tree at Apple to see if anyone has built in other FS capabilities. I don't know of any, but that certainly doesn't mean they aren't there. Zach
  19. Z

    Cant connect laser printer...please help

    I just configured OS X to print to an Appletalk printer over an ethernet network. I assure you that Appletalk printing IS supported. (Localtalk printing, however, is not.) Anyhow, could you tell me your setup and where the problem lies? (Good idea: Go into OS 9 -- does the printer show up in...
  20. Z

    Cant connect laser printer...please help

    I'm afraid I can't help you, but I must indicate that networked laser printing, unlike local (USB or localtalk) printing, should work in the beta. This is because the laser printing is based a lot off the UNIX lpr command, which is properly implemented, AFAIK. If you hve any "fancy" printing...