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  1. Z

    I need help please

    if you unstuff the dev tools with the stuffit that comes bundled with os x pb, it will destroy it. but it won't make it into a text file. how did you unstuff it? it comes as a .tgz file, whuch means it needs to be both untarred and ungzipped. just untarring leaves a text file. the command...
  2. Z

    You gotta be kidding

    Ouch. Thanks. Guess i'm just a careless geek. Also, I think that the benefits of multiple user accounts aren't being really well publicized by apple. Sure, letting multiple PEOPLE use the computer is good, but the real power here is how the system is protected from the apps. The idea of...
  3. Z

    Customise the Dock with the Dev. Tools

    About plist "hacking": When you modify a plist, you're just telling the program to do something that it already knows how to do. Its just that perhaps the programmers haven't (or never will) put in a checkbox in the "preferences" window to let oyu change the pref from the GUI. How do...
  4. Z

    You gotta be kidding

    i'd be pretty interested in technocall's objections to os x. i have been wondering how the sort of users who make up such a core of the mac market -- the graphic artists who use their mac to work and may not know/care to know all the geeky details -- would react to the new os. so...
  5. Z

    X windows on os x

    In another thread ( )I wrote a bit and gave some links about the various methods of getting up and running with an X server. There's also some stuff about KDE/Gnome apps and porting these tools.I myself have been wondering about how well...
  6. Z

    gnome/kde from terminal

    Here is the page with instructions and links about how to get Xfree86, VNC server, VNC viewer, and some popular X programs all cooperating under OSX. This guy knows his ... ahem, stuff. darwinfo has a good howto for getting X running on darwin...
  7. Z

    gnome/kde from terminal

    X windows and especially KDE/Gnome are in some sense an implementation of a various set of APIs (application programmer interfaces) that allow programs to call certain functions and get certain things to appear on the screen, behave in certain manners, pass signals around, etc. Aqua has...
  8. Z

    Sstem Disk Shortcut

    System disk crashes if there is any sort of disk damage (something about node zero corruption in the catalog, or volume bitmap, or something -- I don't know filesystems well). Anyhow, maybe the OS X disk utility can fix it. Otherwise hose the pram a couple of times (option-command-p-r at...
  9. Z

    drawer view suggestion (with screenshot)

    here's my idea for a dock that would solve a lot of the problems that have been discussed here. This borrows a lot on other suggestions, thanks to all. Here's the plan: When you control-click on any icon in the dock, its "contents" slide out in a little tray, a la the "slide down" calendar...