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  1. brianleahy

    Photo caption time!

    Of course, give a man a fish caught in the flooded streets of New Orleans, and he'll probably die of dysentery...
  2. brianleahy

    No caption necessary

    Most amusing! :D
  3. brianleahy

    Directly Connecting a Printer Via Ethernet

    What model Mac are you using? I know that most recent model Macs can do an 'in-adapter' crossover when 2 Macs are directly networked together, but I'm not positive if a Mac can do that with a printer. In any event, there is no harm in trying. You would probably want to manually assign...
  4. brianleahy

    No caption necessary

    The REAL caption is amusing enough. Yahoo news Photo Though even I have to admit this is a little bit of a cheap shot...
  5. brianleahy

    Photo caption time!

    As Henry Kissinger said, "Power is an aphrodisiac." And Kissinger makes look Georgy-boy look like Tom Cruise. He's always had money too, that helps...
  6. brianleahy

    Photo caption time!

    :D Very amusing fish pic!
  7. brianleahy

    Photo caption time!

    Pick one of mine, or add your own! :D :D
  8. brianleahy

    Article: Unauthorized Freedom Walkers will be locked up

    Yes, I thought it was a pretty remarkable irony that people who join the freedom walk without permission could be arrested. Just amazing.
  9. brianleahy

    Article: Unauthorized Freedom Walkers will be locked up

    Let Freedom Ring? :confused: :eek: From: Organizers of the Pentagon's 9/11 memorial Freedom Walk on Sunday are taking extraordinary measures to control participation in the march and concert, with the...
  10. brianleahy

    FEMA's website - registration works with IE6 ONLY

    What amazes me is: 1 - any halfway competent web designer could create a form that'd work in nearly any browser 2 - It almost had to take a SPECIAL EFFORT to make that form ONLY work with IE6?
  11. brianleahy

    FEMA's website - registration works with IE6 ONLY

    FROM FEMA is adding insult to injury in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: [Gary Mullins] My 90-year old mother sat out Katrina in her brother's home next door in Diamondhead, MS, about eight miles from the Mississippi coast where the hurricane's...
  12. brianleahy

    Best wishes & luck to any New Orleans members...

    There is some reason for hope; since our gas prices started going up, hybrid gas/electric cars have been selling faster than they can make em in the US. Hybrids are not a perfect solution, but they are a step in the right direction. Hydrogen powered cars are, at least so far, not a great...
  13. brianleahy

    Best wishes & luck to any New Orleans members...

    Ach, panic-buying of gas. Most unfortunate. I understand why it happens, but it may easily make things worse. Supply and demand: a plunge in supply + spike in demand = even worse shortage. :(
  14. brianleahy

    Best wishes & luck to any New Orleans members...

    A lot of people are being lifted from the roofs of buildings by Coast Guard helicopters, using a rescue basket on the end of a winch. I've seen many vid clips of Coast Guardsmen securing people into the baskets, and a few of Guardsmen having to actually chop through roofs with a hand axe to...
  15. brianleahy

    Best wishes & luck to any New Orleans members...

    The storm has come and gone, but things continue to deteriorate in New Orleans. It's starting to look to me like they may get every bit the disaster that was predicted, just over the course of several days, rather than all at once. Two levees have been breached...
  16. brianleahy

    Best wishes & luck to any New Orleans members...

    It does sound like the damage in New Orleans wasn't as bad as the worst case scenarios some were predicting (all levees collapsing, streets under 20 feet of water, etc.) Still, it hasn't been any picnic. Once again, to everyone in Katrina's path (and wake) good luck, best wishes, and may the...
  17. brianleahy

    Best wishes & luck to any New Orleans members...

    Hopefully you're not reading this from your home town... At the risk of being indelicate, hurricane Katrina has the potential to do almost unimaginable damage to New Orleans. This could be a natural disaster of historic dimensions. Here's hoping it doesn't pan out that way, and to all...
  18. brianleahy

    How to play an Audio DVD

    If you mean an actual DVD-A, I am not aware of any computer software that can play the hi-res PCM audio on them. However, many (if not most) DVD-As also have a Dolby Digital track on them, you should be able to play it with regular DVD player software.
  19. brianleahy

    Blasts hit London

    Ah, gotcha. That makes sense.
  20. brianleahy

    Blasts hit London

    Shookster - a silly question, if I may, just a cultural ignorance factor... Am I correct in thinking that "The tube" is the subway system? Commuter rail? In short, the same system that was bombed? I ask, because at least in the Cleveland area, you actually can't book tickets weeks in...