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  1. Red Phoenix


    What are you doing in that class? That stuff was really cool. Especially encryption techniques.
  2. Red Phoenix

    yaaawwwnn...installing fink

    If you type fink describe enlightenment, you get the following (this is a really useful tool for any Fink package that has a description, really): enlightenment-0.16.5-6: Themeable, featureful window manager . Usage Notes: If you want to use Enlightenment as a stand-alone desktop...
  3. Red Phoenix


    To be honest, I haven't quite figured out what I want to specialize in. Both combinatorics and number theory struck a cord while I was an undergrad, but I don't have to make a decision yet, so I want to hold off on it (I'm taking year-long courses on topology, analysis, and algebra right now...
  4. Red Phoenix

    yaaawwwnn...installing fink

    It does seem to be worth it though. I just recently tried Enlightenment again after not having done so for a while. I've been letting Fink update it when it wants to, so it's up to date. It's pretty impressive.
  5. Red Phoenix

    yaaawwwnn...installing fink

    Oh, yeah. I completely forgot about that. I like to build whenever I can, so I've never actually used that method.
  6. Red Phoenix


    Yeah, we're doing the first quarter of graduate level algebra (I'm a first-year grad). We're sort of skipping around right now, although we're doing group theory this quarter. Our text is by Serge Lang, and it's horrible. I used Hungerford for undergrad and I still use that mostly now. And yeah...
  7. Red Phoenix

    Keyboard Shorcut for cycling though windows?

    For OmniWeb 4.1, you can switch through windows with command-~ and command-shift-~ (one if forward, the other backwards). Apple has indeed standardized on this as the way to cycle through windows (although it might take a while for everyone to follow it). I'm glad they did, because...
  8. Red Phoenix

    yaaawwwnn...installing fink

    Honestly, I'm not sure. Try typing find /sw/fink/dists/ | grep "rootless" and see if anything comes up (I'm assuming you installed Fink under /sw. Again if worse comes to worse, you can get it from without any problems (it's what I'm using).
  9. Red Phoenix


    Don't forget the voice intros for Imax movies. Leonard Nimoy has defined that role.
  10. Red Phoenix

    Fink and XFree86 - Won't start - startx error

    Don't worry, there is an easy fix. Check out here (it's at the bottom); it worked for me.
  11. Red Phoenix

    yaaawwwnn...installing fink

    I was working on a pretty long post about this, but Mozilla crashed, so this'll be a bit shorter. Basically, the source files have disappeared from I seem to remember there was a precompiled binary on if you really want it. I tried to find the source files...
  12. Red Phoenix

    yaaawwwnn...installing fink

    There was no xfree86-rootless-whatever.patch and .info's under unstable/main/finkinfo/x11-system? Yeah, fink fetch-missing would take a long time, since it downloads the sourcecode for every possible package available. I have a cable-modem, and I haven't even dared try that one.
  13. Red Phoenix

    New Omniweb Sneakypeek!!

    Yeah, I've been using it for a day or two, and I've been impressed. It actually came at a great time, since the nightly builds of Mozilla had strangely lost the ability to open a link in a new window when command-clicking on the said link, and once you get used to that, you can never go back.
  14. Red Phoenix


    Like I said, that was just my speculation. I haven't followed Star Trek since DS9 ended and all there was was Voyager :rolleyes:. Now that TNN is showing reruns of TNG and there's a new Star Trek show, I'm getting into it a bit more. But I've missed a lot of the going-ons of it all.
  15. Red Phoenix

    yaaawwwnn...installing fink

    What you need to do is copy the files from their corresponding sw/.../unstable directories to the stable version. The unstable directory isn't checked by fink, since many of the things there are, well, unstable (or not tested, or transititory). For example, for my particular version of Fink and...
  16. Red Phoenix

    yaaawwwnn...installing fink

    This is not quite right. After install xfree86-base, you can do one of the following three possibilities: 1) type fink install xfree86-server to get the stable release 2) type fink install xfree86-rootless to get the rootless version (that is, have XFree86 and MacOS X coexist...
  17. Red Phoenix


    While I certainly don't know the real reason, I would venture to guess that it might be because Brent Spiner isn't looking any younger, and Data isn't supposed to age. Still, it is a disappointment, since his character is a lot less annoying than some others I could mention...
  18. Red Phoenix

    yaaawwwnn...installing fink

    Was that an hour and a half for just the base download? Dang, you're in for a fun ride. I just did the compile for that today, and that took about three hours. I mean, it's all worth it (typing TeX in nedit for XFree86 is a dream), but...dang...