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    Show Your Dock

    RyanLang, where did you and how did you get Grass on the dock? It's so cool. Is there an installer for it? Thanks, al
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    Website Creation Tools

    I second that, macaudiX - very well put. That's exactly why I use the GUI - I can't be bothered writing repetative basic HTML - the rest is hand-tweaked. With GUI Editors - just forget all their fancy JavaScripting too - it's all so bad. For showing a client a quick design of a site use...
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    os x on unsupported box

    1. Wipe the drives with OS 9.1 CD - start up off CD 2. Turn off Mac - take out CD 3. Turn on Mac - Zap PRAM [Command-Opt-P-R until chime] 4. Turn off again - and leave no power for 5 minutes (just in case) 5. Turn on, no CD and wait until the Flashing Question comes 6. Bung in the CD and...
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    Website Creation Tools

    Thanks There's always more work to do on them though!
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    Website Creation Tools

    I use GoLive 6 OS X - have used GL since v 4. Can't complain except that it sometimes insists on inserting <body> tags when I'm making a PHP include file - very annoying. (Even when I tell it not to, I wish there was a pref setting for it - so much for 360 code!). I've always hated...
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    os x on unsupported box

    I installed X 10.0 and then updated to X 10.1 on the above machine fine with the same util you used. OS X performance is unusable (about the same as VPC 5 on OS X right now!) maybe a little better than that. However, Ethernet (10Base-T on those old machines) is rapid when used as MySQL and...
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    InDesign 2.0: Numbered Lists

    ... can't be done inside InDesign as far as I know. I've just been looking though every menu and the Help just in case. My best suggestion is to use Adobe GoLive to write a list then copy/paste to InDesign or as you said use MS Word or MS Excel. Maybe AppleWorks does it - but I haven't got it...
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    Gray Menus in 10.1.3

    Try making a new user account - admin. And move yourself over to it over a week or so. Then delete your old one. Or Optimise with Xoptimize from Then restart. I saw these menus when 10.1.3 was optimizing on download on my PB. I had to force restart to get out. But it's...
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    10.1.3 optimizing crashed G4...

    I ran the update and all went well until it started Optimisation. About half way through I clicked the desktop and hit the File Menu - it disappeared on me. Then I moved a window and the redraw was all over the place. Then the Menu Icons vanished and finally the desktop pattern went! All while...
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    Can't launch MS Word, Excel and Power Point!!

    You need to sort through Fonts. MS Office is picky. Remember to check the Classic OS 9 Fonts folder too. Good luck. Versiontracker has a font manager - X Font Manager I think. Search for Font anyway.
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    Have you turned File Sharing On on one of the computers? If you're in OS X try turning on Apple Talk too. If connecting OS X to OS 9 go through the Network Broswer App because you'll probably need TCP/IP connection. The chooser might not see that. And if in OS 9 make sure TCP/IP control...
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    Stupid norton speed disk 6

    I love Norton. Never have problems with it. Speed Disk 6 DEMO and REAL are both ok. I made a bootable 9.1 CD with the demo on to get around the 30 day limit until I got the real one. It defrags OS X HDs just fine. If you're having problems try this: it works too: Use any other FireWire...
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    Indesign 2.0 Now 4 OSX

    Quark is dead! Long live InDesign. I've used InDesign since 1.0. It was good back then. If a little slow. ID2 is blazing on OS 9 - especially redraw has been improved. It's as fast as Quark 3 on OS 9 now - and that is fast - and ID has full Anti-Aliasing turned ON!! Lovely. A little slower in...
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    Why does such a small % of the population use Macs?

    INTJ here too. How can this be?
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    Do you iPod? (do you yahoo, got it?)

    Wow! Santa was very generous this year. I'm dead impressed with the iPod - the packaging is so cool too! Sound Quality Ace - Battery Life Ace - 5 GB - plenty! :)
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    Oh Yes.... Sweet!!!!!!!!

    You could do it in OS 9. You're not stupid! It's not a very advertised feature really. Actually you can do it in 8.5 so long as the application concerned used Navigation Services. I work like that all the time - it's the ONLY way to work. I get annoyed with an Open box that doesn't do it...
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    9.2.2 Released!

    Firewire ports didn't work on X 10.1.1 either. So I went to the iMac with 9.2.2 already on - the LaCie drive worked! So I pulled off 9.2.1 FireWire extensions and put them onto my PowerBook via VST Internal Zip. That fixed it for 9.2.2 late last night. I'll try Mac OS X tonight. Go keep a...
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    9.2.2 Released!

    Hey! 9.2.2 has disabled my FireWire ports. I can no longer connect my external 40GB LaCie HD. I am going to test X 10.1.1 later, but I assume that will still work since it was unaffected by 9.2.2 update. Anyone else having this trouble. Specs below...
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    9.2.2 Released!

    Installed it on a new 16Mb VRAM iMac 500 / 576MB and it went just fine. Seems to load up quicker than 9.2.1. But that iMac is damn quick at booting anyway. Classic seemed to load quicker too. Because the iMac was ok I installed it on my PowerBook G3 500 FW / 640MB and all is well. It seemed a...
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    Apple has got to do something with the dock!

    2) aled: Why can't you do what the other user suggested? Put a folder of aliases in the right side of the dock, add a custom icon, and use that as your "tabbed folder". It fits quite nicely in the dock. Seriously, the Dock isn't that bad. Yeh, I have done that. But it isn't AS good as a...