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  1. A

    Apple has got to do something with the dock!

    We should have both the Application menu as in OS 9 for users who know what they are looking for without the dock. And we need the Dock for new users. I presonally don't like the dock. It is in the way all the time. It's wizzy and all, but not very practical. The Application menu...
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    Strange behaviour in sleep on a G3 PB

    Hi again It is the HD - I forgot to mention. The last device I had added to my system before my machine started playing up was a Lacie FW 40GB (not bus powered). So it must be a FW thing. Although as I said I haven't had the problem again... yet. I wish I could afford the new 667 PB...
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    Strange behaviour in sleep on a G3 PB

    I had the same thing. But in OS 9.1 not in X. I had OS X 10.0.4 at the time. Whenever I put the machine to sleep in OS 9 it would all go off but as it did the HD would slightly spin up again and then go off, then the Sleep light would come on. But when trying to get the machine back on (mouse...
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    10.1 Speed Not Acceptable

    I've also just updated 10.1 on a 7300/200/96MB - works great too as a PHP web server over EtherNet. Finder speed is ok. I'm just dead chuffed that old beast is still useful. It's faster too after 10.1. I'd had it on 10.0.4 previously and 10.1 even kept my PHP / MySQL intact when updating - nice...
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    10.1 Speed Not Acceptable

    I've installed OS X 10.1 and updated 10.0.4 on my PowerBook G3 500 with 640MB RAM and I am really pleased with all the speed improvements. I have a messed up computer (4 Gig of Apps) - I do everything on it and I do NOT want to re-install. So I didn't - and it is still fab! I've had it running...