Search results

  1. solo

    Upgrade OS on Visor Deluxe?

    I'm pretty sure the flash module would still have to interact with the base system, so I'd say it wouldn't work. Handspring has the different physical hardware, which would make a big enough difference that the two OS's don't have parity. With Handspring's announcement of going all wireless...
  2. solo

    New FireWire hard drive won't remount

    I bought a FireWire enclosure for my iBook and put an extra HD in it. The install went pretty well (I don't like using the OS X version of Drive Setup to partition the disk though:mad: ). After the partitioning I put a bunch of files on the paritition I made for MacOS storage. Other partitions...
  3. solo

    I need your thoughts...

    Kind of a rule of thumb that I've found... Handspring models for ultimate expansion (I love the springboard modules :cool: ). Palm models for quality build and the latest PalmOS compatability. I had a PalmIII before the Visor Edge I have now. No complaints, except for the amount of memory...
  4. solo

    Baby steps in C++

    I'd suggest that you check out a few books on the subject. Deitel & Deitel has at least one good book (and CD, if you have access to a PC). O'Reilly has come on board with Learning Carbon, and there are some good Mac specific programming materials available also. Lots of good tutuorials on the...
  5. solo

    Suggestions appreciated

    MWNY is in July (I think). We won't see any earth shattering new stuff at that show though. I think Apple is about done with major hardware announcements for the year. Hopefully there will be some upgraded software introduced soon. I agree that you just have to take your chances when buying a...
  6. solo

    Mp3 Player as in Beta rev

    I like it. Wish I could tackle a project like that, but I'm only studying Perl right now :p . Keep up the good work, and keep us posted.
  7. solo

    How long does your browser take to load this?

    iceBook 500MHz, 384MB RAM, iCab browser w/DSL connection... 6 seconds to fully load.
  8. solo

    Here are the 10.2 pics

    Spring loaded folders are where you can do a "click and a half" to navigate down through the hierarchy of the folder's contents (like a double click, but you hold the second click and drag over other folders until you arrive at the nested folder of your choice). Very nice feature :). I hope we...
  9. solo

    Obtaining the bash shell

    Thanks muchly :D !
  10. solo

    Obtaining the bash shell

    Possibly I wasn't using the right keywords for the search, but I have yet to find a site to download bash from:( . Any ideas? Also... Does anyone have some pointers on how to install it from source on OS X.1? Coming from Linux, I'd really like to have bash as my main shell. Any help is...
  11. solo

    Power Mac G3 for sale

    *300MHz G3 Power Mac Tower (beige) *128MB RAM (768MB max) *8GB Hard drive (IDE) *ATI video (AGP, 4MB, VGA adaptor plug included) *A/V pass through ports (audio & video input, with viewer software) *Internal Zip drive *Internal floppy drive *Onboard SCSI *Keyspan USB card with dual ports...
  12. solo

    Dumb question...

    Yes... Thanks for the brightness tip. I feel very fortunate; my unit hasn't had any of the other problems that have been reported (dead pixels, weird trackpad, sound problems). I do use a trackball most of the time though.
  13. solo

    Feels like September allready!

    I've had my iBook for a few weeks now (upgrading from a similar beige G3 @300MHz). I love that little thing. At first I thought the styling was going to be too simple, and plain; but the slim polycarbonate body is very sharp. Upgraded the memory to 384MB, and there's a noticable difference in OS...
  14. solo

    Dumb question...

    When the iBook's battery is charging, is there a light that's supposed to be showing somewhere? I thought I'd read that some part of the wire spool, or something else glowed when the battery is charging (possibly I'm confusing this with the TiBook?). Just curious. I've noticed durations of only...
  15. solo

    Developing Applicaton for Palm Pilot They have all kinds of software/shareware/freeware, and it's nicely catagorized too.