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  1. putamare

    Anybody else want Unix Focus forum restored?

    One of the laudable things about this forum is that word in the upper left corner underneath The posters here, from what I've read, strive to be a community of people interested in MacOS X, in all of its aspects. X is a shiny new toy without a lot of good documentation, and this is a...
  2. putamare

    Ancient NeXTology (Shakespeare)...

    zipped text file here ftp individual plays or poetry MIT's Complete online works
  3. putamare

    Anybody else want Unix Focus forum restored?

    gee, and I thought I was being kind of a dick about this, thanks for the perspective t h!
  4. putamare

    what is admin's avater?

    another vote for Freddy T. Flute
  5. putamare

    Anybody else want Unix Focus forum restored?

    unix is the X in Mac OS
  6. putamare

    April 1 Changes (No Fool'n)

    I'm retracting my Doh! I belive all those posts can be attributed to xoot.
  7. putamare

    the dragon puffing poll

    that's what i like about texas
  8. putamare

    Ballmer Statue

    Makes me want to be a pigeon whatever the pose.
  9. putamare

    April 1 Changes (No Fool'n)

    forget linux, monolithic kernels are for squares
  10. putamare

    April 1 Changes (No Fool'n)

  11. putamare

    Dynamic Image Editing?

    Could it be a png thing? Since php uses open source libraries to generate images, the gif file format was abandoned becase of LZW patent issues. The image works just fine for me in X, but I've read that some people have problems viewing png files.
  12. putamare

    April 1 Changes (No Fool'n)

    I don't mean to harp too much and it be taken as undue criticism, but I do believe this site is actually valuable, both as information and entertainment. The problem I see with the current division is that it doesn't differentiate very well between the two, and when you're looking for one, the...
  13. putamare

    April 1 Changes (No Fool'n)

    The GUI and CLI seem to be pretty natural divisions within OSX. I'm not implying the two will never get along, but each side is a little suspicious of the other. From what I've seen, the GUI crowd seems more opinion oriented (this browser is better than that one, spring loaded folders are/aren't...
  14. putamare

    April 1 Changes (No Fool'n)

    Which is exactly my point, since I run MySQL & PHP (& Apache, etc., ad nauseum) on a Mac running Darwin, not Linux.
  15. putamare

    April 1 Changes (No Fool'n)

    I'm not sure what php & MySQL have to do with "linux"
  16. putamare

    UNIX command to make files LOWERCASE???

    Indespensible: Unix Power Tools, chock full of goodness. Many like: Essential System Administration, but a lot of it (like the unix filesystem & X-windows won't necessarily apply to you). I prefer: Practical UNIX & Internet Security while its title makes it seem primarily concerned with...
  17. putamare

    EV Nova - am I missing something here?

    is the excitement not palpable?
  18. putamare

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    complete = too much spare time, if it ever is, I'll be in serious need of public assistance
  19. putamare

    Dynamic Image Editing?

    It isn't that hard if you already know php which isn't that hard if you already know perl. If you're feeling full of beans a good place to start would be here and here. If a printed manual is more your style, there is a chapter on generating graphics in Visual Quickpro Advanced PHP. The main...
  20. putamare

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    Here in NYF'nC, we often add a more polite ending, i.e. "F' you, buddy!" but seriously folks, if you are looking for a semi-valid reason not to swear, give some consideration to the saps that can't connect to the web except via a public machine with a Congressionally mandated "Web Blocking"...