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  1. Ralph J.

    Eh... Apple hyped to much!!!!!!!!!!

    yes, i think the expo was overhyped, but i'm not at all disappointed with the products that were introduced. apple now offers, IMHO, the best line-up of consumer hardware/software available. period. the new iMac is an awesome value. down the road a bit, we'll see the same for the pro line.
  2. Ralph J.

    Does anyone else NOT like iPhoto?

    as a consumer-oriented app, iPhoto rocks! this app is going to be a big hit, i think, especially for people with children. parents take *a lot* of pics. :)
  3. Ralph J.

    I love it!!!

    now that the dust has settled, and i've had time to gather my thoughts, i really like it.. in fact, i LOVE it! this is one bad-ass piece of kit here, people. an 800mhz G4, superdrive equipped machine with a flat panel monitor for $1,800? that's the bomb! yesterday, that would cost you at...
  4. Ralph J.

    Post Expo Updates Plz

    server: channel: #Macintosh
  5. Ralph J.

    Post Expo Updates Plz

    there's a bunch of us on the IRC chat watching the stream. come on over.
  6. Ralph J.

    iPhoto screenshot here!!

    no, i would say that it is so that the OS9 and OSX versions of the app will look roughly the same.
  7. Ralph J.

    What do you think about the new iMac?

    you know, after seeing the larger photo in the iPhoto thread, i kinda' like it now. it's cool.
  8. Ralph J.

    What do you think about the new iMac?

    so far, i don't like it, but you can't tell very much from that picture. so, for now, i'm taking a wait and see attitude.
  9. Ralph J.

    iPod is a PDA, we just don't know it yet???

    yeah, that's what i saw before. thanks binHex.
  10. Ralph J.

    Hard Drive Icons On Desktop

    select Preferences... from the Finder menu. uncheck the desired items from the "Show these items on the desktop" part of the dialog box.
  11. Ralph J.

    iPod is a PDA, we just don't know it yet???

    i may have just dreamed this, but i'm pretty sure i remember reading about some hack or small application for the iPod that allows you to store phone numbers, etc on it. i wish i could remember where i saw that.
  12. Ralph J.

    Hard Drive Icons On Desktop

    i, too, like a clean desktop, but i do keep my dock visible. the ability to hide desktop icons is one of my favorite features of the OSX GUI. i find having too many desktop icons to be a distraction from whatever i'm working on at the time. i also like to use simple, low contrast desktop...
  13. Ralph J.

    What would you buy?

    what i'd really like to see is a $600 iBook. SO I COULD AFFORD TO BUY ONE NOW!
  14. Ralph J.

    The complete list...

    apple garamond
  15. Ralph J.

    The complete list...

    you forgot one between 4 and 3... "It's like a backstage pass to the future."
  16. Ralph J.

    To Go Where No PC Has Gone Before

    here's a thought... maybe today's teaser *is* a Star Trek reference, but not a reference to Apple's "Star Trek" project (MacOS on intel), but instead referring to some type of Star Trek like device. well, transporters, phasers, tri-corders, warp engines and holodecks are, obviously, out...
  17. Ralph J.

    To Go Where No PC Has Gone Before

    i don't know if this is what boomv is talking about, but D-Link recently announced a 10 gig HD equipped MP3 player similar to the iPod. it's called the Roq-It. it's not nearly as cool as the iPod, though, IMHO. edit: oops, forgot to include the URL.
  18. Ralph J.

    God!! This is a real iWalk (not a music player)

    it's bogus, but at least it gives us something (more) to talk about as we wait...
  19. Ralph J.

    10.1.2 Released

    oh, okay. my bad.
  20. Ralph J.

    10.1.2 Released

    hmmm... i thought "Show Info" was new, but maybe it's been there all along and i never noticed before. i'm not much of a contextual menu user, i'm more keyboard shortcut oriented.