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  1. Excalibur

    Which Windows features?

    DiVX plays fine for me... ALL in QuickTime. The major issues were the old MP42 DiVX files but that has been addressed and fixed a few days ago. Here is a lost of all the available DiVX tools for OSX. All new DiVX files are supported no problem...
  2. Excalibur

    htaccess, htpasswd setup - help!

    Your .htaccess should look like this... AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd AuthGroupFile /dev/null AuthName "Access Name Here" AuthType Basic < Limit GET POST > require valid-user < /Limit > I have apache set to.. Allowoverride All Hope this helps.
  3. Excalibur

    PHP4 what am I doing stupidly?

    Just trying to let you knw the right way to do it. In case you run into problems in the future. Which you will, if you add more lines to that, that's all.
  4. Excalibur

    PHP4 what am I doing stupidly?

    You forgot the semicolon. <B>phpinfo();</B> That should fix it all for you there.
  5. Excalibur

    DolbyDigital AC3 Support

    Try this here. It is an external sound device that will support AC3 and 5.1 sound on any MacOS. OSX included. Hope it helps. They have 3 different versions. This is a detailed review here to help you. Good luck. <P>
  6. Excalibur

    Why not more MP systems?

    Open the Terminal and type in hostinfo... So far only two processors are support but I'm sure it can be updated for more once, or IF the hardware is there someday.
  7. Excalibur

    Why not more MP systems?

    The SGI Origin 3000 series and the IBM ASCI White UNIX servers are capable of 512 processors per box. With the scalability of UNIX you can cluster these boxes for even more CPU power. This is why UNIX rules the corporate mainframe arena. Scalabilty.
  8. Excalibur

    Carracho Servers READ THIS

    The more popular the more attention, the faster they get shut down... Just like Naptster. They are swapping a LOT more than just MP3s there, remember? They have a LOT more than just the RIAA to sue them. That will be messy. Not to mention look at Hotline now since it got more popular... yuck...
  9. Excalibur

    Carracho Servers READ THIS

    These are probably warez FTP and HTTP sites. I doubt they even know what Carracho is. That's the nice thing about being about 7% of the market, :D A VERY small target. Plus, it pays to stay underground and NOT go commercial AKA Napster. Hotline is more a target than Carracho, in my opinion. Time...
  10. Excalibur

    Can I make an AppleScript to display Uptime in dialog?

    I got this one to work for me. Save as an application and all you have to do is double click it. :D tell application "Terminal" do script with command "uptime" delay 1 set the_results to contents of window 1 close every window end tell display dialog paragraph 4 of the_results...
  11. Excalibur

    Help wrighting a simple AppleScript

    Oh well, I was close. Thanks, that'll help me too.
  12. Excalibur

    Help wrighting a simple AppleScript

    I believe you can just put this in a text file here. Put it in your /Library/StartupItems folder and it'll launch when you reboot everytime. If StartupItems isn't there just make a folder called StartupItems and it should work. #!/bin/sh . /etc/rc.common CheckForNetwork if [...
  13. Excalibur

    SMB and WinXP

    oh ok. Got ya. Didn't mean to seem like I was bashing at ya there. :)
  14. Excalibur

    SMB and WinXP

    Like I was just saying.... I HAVE seen this, DONE this and FIXED it. CIFS and SMB will conflict from Dave. Dave uses it's own CIFS protocol and the built in SMB of OS X WILL conflict. That is what is causing the problem. If you delete the Dave CIFS mounting at start up it will fix the problem.
  15. Excalibur

    SMB and WinXP

    I forget the exact files... but when you remove Dave the files are still there using CFIS protocol instead of SMB. That is why it doesn connect via built in SMB in X. I had the same problem and fixed it. Look in your Preference and Library folders and make sure the CFIS and other Dave prefs are...
  16. Excalibur

    My OsX vs Win Xp comparison

    Good call, Sheepguy! I can't wait for that either. :D Looks great!
  17. Excalibur

    My OsX vs Win Xp comparison

    According to Apple it's not finished yet, either. No secret there. That's why they have their clock transition analogy for us. The progress is coming along great, however. This wasn't an easy task to do, and isn't a comparison to 2K to XP upgrade, in my opinion. That is nothing major, so the...
  18. Excalibur

    My OsX vs Win Xp comparison

    Hey Steve, I just wanted to let you know that the extra 32 meg on the PC GeForce makes a big difference in the Quake 3 framerates. OpenGL is a VRAM hog, so thats not a very equal test there. The scores are still closer than I would have expected with that difference though. Not bad at all, but I...
  19. Excalibur

    Q3 is slooow (wtf...)

    Sounds like more going on there than just the GeForece 3 issues. I have a Radeon on a dual 500 and I get 119FPS average. You should be getting much higher rates with your setup. Not sure what is can be though. According to the tests on they are getting about 180FPS w/ the same...
  20. Excalibur

    Wolfenstein demo performance

    Hey, Godzookie to play on a dual 500 it took me a while to track down the bug but it doesn't run right on a dual machine in SMP mode. You must disable the other processor to get it to work, stable. The specs I gave are running on one process, imagine if it were on two. :) Anyhow, look for this...