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  1. G

    Users Homedirs and AFP

    It depends on how you want to make authentications. If you do all that via ldap (or locally) then it shud be fine to disable netinfo (the network wide netinfo directory. The local one is used nevertheless). Did you try to login with different users at the same time at the same server and...
  2. G

    Users Homedirs and AFP

    The problem is the straight forward configuration with workgroup manager exports the complete volume containing (all) users homedirs. On a client this volume is mounted by the first user (here qaz) afp_003JsV3BwyPK001Eic06SdO0-1.2c000006 on...
  3. G

    Users Homedirs and AFP

    Hi All, I'm quite new to MacOS X and this forum. My problem: OS: MacOS X 10.4.3 Server HW: Xserve The server runs openldap for user authentication and should serve users home directories via AFP. Using workgroupmanager the canonical way the server exports the volume containing...