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  1. P

    Mail: turning off special fonts on incoming msgs.

    Yup, that works! Many thanks! Patrick
  2. P

    Mail: turning off special fonts on incoming msgs.

    Thanks, that seems to do what I want on a message-by-message basis, but what I'd really like to have is a way of making plain text viewing default.
  3. P

    Mail: turning off special fonts on incoming msgs.

    So, I want Mail 1.3.11 to display all messages in my inbox as plain text with my specified message font, whether the sender has specified some ditzy font or not. How do I do this? I've been able to find plenty of discussion of manipulating fonts, html, rich text, etc., on outgoing mail, but...
  4. P

    OS 9 booting problems

    FWIW, I messed with extensions, too (turning most of them off) and now I'm at the stage where: 9.2 works perfectly while logged in under *one* username; 9.2 appears to boot while logged in under other usernames but PAUP* won't run, instead trying to run it locks up 9.2. Dammit, I thought...
  5. P

    OS 9 booting problems

    So, I'm using 10.3.9 on an iMac G5. I've got 9.2 installed, and only use it for a single program (PAUP*, a program used in creating phylogenetic trees showing the relationships between organisms). Today, I tried starting up PAUP* while booted in os x, and 9.2 starts up normally but freezes...