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  1. 1962guitarman

    iMac 2.4 Ghz, 24" intel duo 2 core doesn't boot

    Thanks, I'll keep you informed..
  2. 1962guitarman

    iMac 2.4 Ghz, 24" intel duo 2 core doesn't boot

    Thank you for the advice... I have checked inlets, they are all open, still no fourth led so I guess I'll take it to an Apple service shop as you say. You confirmed my own opinion that that's the right decision. Thanks for that...
  3. 1962guitarman

    iMac 2.4 Ghz, 24" intel duo 2 core doesn't boot

    Hello, I have a 2.4 GHz iMac Intel 24". During the last few months (3-4) the spinning frequency of the fans increased. I have been looking up the processes in the Activity Monitor but couldn't find apps that were asking too much of the processors. A few days ago all of a sudden the iMac...