Search results

  1. T

    locating mystery crontab file?

    try "sudo find / -name "*crontab*" -print" or login as root and do find command. it will list all files with crontab in their name. it is much better than the finder or sherlock-search because it also searches in your system-files and hidden directories
  2. T

    quit applications remotely

    maybe you can use a socalled "ae quit" via applescript. this is a command that's used for example if you shut down your computer when applications are running. is there a possibility to open a applescript via shell and give it some variables like e.g. applicationnames? so you could write an...
  3. T

    quit applications remotely

    well, some applications ask sth like "unsaved documents, quitanyway?" etc. you wont be able to confirm that via shell so you wont be able to quit those apps properly. i just use kill (only with the apps where i know nothing bad can happen) i just type "top" and choose my process and kill'em by...
  4. T

    remote shutdown

    how do i shutdown my mac from another mac? tried the unix-command "shutdown" after i logged in via ssh from work and when i came back home there was a black screen with weird unix-code on it.