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  1. M

    External Hardrive mounted, bootable, but never opens

    The prohibit symbol only happened with the a-b cable, not with the firewire...for whatever that's worth. I read that page and there is some good info there. I already got rid of the start up items that were lurking in system preferences. I'll go back and check some more. I think you're right...
  2. M

    External Hardrive mounted, bootable, but never opens

    Well I let the wheel turn for 30 minutes. It never opened. Stayed gray the whole time. I'm at a loss for what to do next. Just the fact that DU repair was able to run, when before I got that error message when I would try to run it, makes me think that little by little things are adjusting...
  3. M

    External Hardrive mounted, bootable, but never opens

    Oh shoot, my message disappeared when I thanked you. Here goes....before when I tried to use disk repair, it said the disk couldn't be repaired because it could not be unmounted. I had no idea what that meant....however, when you asked me what happened when I did that, I went back to do it...
  4. M

    External Hardrive mounted, bootable, but never opens

    I searched through the hardware and peripherals forum but couldn't find an answer to this problem. I have a Power Book G4 800 MHz running OS x 10.3.9. I replaced the original 40GB internal Hard Drive with an 80GB hard drive and had the old 40GB one converted into an external HD. I want to be...
  5. M

    External Hardrive mounted, bootable, but never opens

    need to figure out formatting...will post again.