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  1. A

    QTSS Admin Protocol

    Hi men, is there anyone who has used the QTSS Admin protocol with success? Can you provide some example? I've tried to obtain some correct responses but the only repsponse I obtain is Your request was denied by the server. this is a stupid example of request I made...
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    mp4 and SDP strange problem

    Hi, men... I'm writing some code to interact with QuickTime Streaming Server, but I've had a problem... I've encoded some .mp4 from an .avi file using mp4creator (, audio and video tracks as been hinted succesfully... If I upload this .mp4 to a QTSS machine I'm...
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    quicktime streaming server functions

    Hi men, I'm writing a C application which can do several things, but I need also functionalities to work and to interact with QuickTime Streaming Server; for the moment I need only functions like "add play list", "remove play list", "play", "stop". I've just downloaded source code of QTSS, do...