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  1. G

    Airport vs. Airport Extreme

    Well the talk is that the 11g spec, at least in theory, supports both full b and g speeds at the same time. Seeing as the 11g specification is still yet to be ratified, and 11g technology is only just being released into the marketplace, it may take several firmware and driver updates before we...
  2. G

    Airport vs. Airport Extreme
  3. G

    Airport vs. Airport Extreme

    Not true, the Airport Extreme base station can simultaneously provide 54 Mb/s and 11 Mb/s connections to 802.11g and 802.11b clients, respectively. So I'd recommend getting the Airport Extreme.
  4. G

    I'm falling at the first hurdle in Project Builder

    Angle brackets wont work on this forum, it interprets them as text formatting syntax.
  5. G

    I'm falling at the first hurdle in Project Builder

    I agree with the two responses above. Converter.h should import: #import *Cocoa/Cocoa.h* #import *Foundation/Foundation.h* Converter.m should import: #import "Converter.h" ConverterController.h should import: #import *Cocoa/Cocoa.h* #import "Converter.h" ConverterController.m...
  6. G

    Apple quietly changed the SuperDrive speed of PowerBook G4 17"

    I think the point is that DVD writable media will not stay stuck at 1x speed. If the the drive is capable of 2x speed then you can take advantage of the faster media when it becomes available. Pretty obvious to me.
  7. G

    please help... g3 computer infinitely screwed

    The option key trick doesn't work on older G3s, B&W's included. You mentioned that you were able to boot from the OS X CD... after it boots up are you then able to select your hard disk as a boot volume (can't remember if this is an option on the install CD or not)? Do you have an OS 9 CD to...
  8. G

    I'm falling at the first hurdle in Project Builder

    Perhaps you could post your code here? Sometimes it's hard to know what's going wrong without being able to see the code.
  9. G

    Game Sprockets

    If your game pad or joystick is USB then why not use USB Overdrive? Or does this not work with gamepads or joysticks... I can't remember. Nevertheless, search for it on Versiontracker and give it a go.
  10. G

    Game Sprockets

    I don't know about Game Sprockets, but I think Input Sprockets was replaced by HID Manager.
  11. G

    Mac Must Have Programs

    Definitely LaunchBar.
  12. G

    Minolta dimage III

    This one?
  13. G

    Scanner and CD burner help

    There are drivers available for that scanner here . Not sure if they require you to upgrade OS X to 10.2 or not.
  14. G

    OSX starts with no chime.

    If you ask Apple that they'll try and make you believe that it's proprietary and charge you an exorbitant amount, it happened to a friend of mine last week who ended up paying AU$36 for one. You should be able to get a much cheaper deal from your local specialty electronics or hobby store, just...
  15. G

    OSX starts with no chime.

    Is your mac plugged in to one of those power strips? I remember reading an Apple knowledge base article that mentioned something about them draining the internal battery. Try plugging your mac directly into a wall socket instead and see how things go. If you have a battery tester handy test the...
  16. G

    How to print on a B&W serial-port?

    Your printer has a serial cable, yes? The only legacy port that the B&W G3 has is an ADB port, it doesn't have any serial ports. These two ports look similar I think but are not the same. Trying to connect a serial printer to an ADB port wont work, as far as I know.
  17. G

    How to print on a B&W serial-port?

    Woops sorry, yes serial, I got confused :p
  18. G

    Scanner and CD burner help

    For reviews a good place to start with would be CNet's review section. If you're going to purchase an external CD burner, be careful and make sure it's fully compatible with OS X. For this, check user reviews and comments for various Firewire burners at As for prices it...
  19. G

    How to print on a B&W serial-port?

    My only suggestion is to install Gimp Print and see what happens, it's a long shot but it's worth a try. I have a feeling that Gimp Print may not even display the ADB port as an available connection, if not then the last resort would be to get an ADB -> USB adaptor (if possible).