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  1. banjo_boy

    Think Secret: New iPods by the end of the month

    I totally agree. But, if Apple is really going to make iPods in thos sizes, something is wrong. How awesome would it be to have 20, 40, and 80G iPods and that can happen now! Why does Apple always go for "the just good enough" rather than "whoa! the is almost to much!" All Power to a 80G!
  2. banjo_boy

    Alternate Palm OS

    Does anyone know if there is an alternate OS for a Palm? Palms are sorta Mac friendly, but I wanted to find one that was very friendly.
  3. banjo_boy

    so, when new ipods?

    So then Apple would only sell 5, 20 and 40G? Or would they elminate the 5G too? I don't think they can do that! People want a lower end iPod. I work with someone that would love a 1G iPod so it could be cheap.
  4. banjo_boy

    so, when new ipods?

    Apple and Stevie just love the fact that they are making people stark raving mad for a new iPod or whatever. This is what drives their sales. Yes, there will be some that say screw it and buy now. They love that too! They want the stupid music program and the iPod or...
  5. banjo_boy

    Bad news for those awaiting an iPod update..

    I get that a lot. Why would you tie a product to a service so that it could only be released together!?! OH GOODIE! NEW IPOD! And LOOKIE $1 SONGS! YEAH! How does the music program have to dictate when the iPod comes out? How come any service has to dictate when a product come out? I see it as...
  6. banjo_boy

    Bad news for those awaiting an iPod update..

    Oh goodie... another giant whohaa parading the the new stuff. And then the expectation of praise for Apple. Release the stuff and leave it. Don't make it a "Look at what we have done for you, minions! Now go and buy and do not complain!" Why wait to release products? Marketing is a BS answer...
  7. banjo_boy

    Get in on the iBox...

    That is cool! $250 - 300! Not bad. Just think if it gets going, custom order your machine unlike anything Apple has ever done.
  8. banjo_boy

    Trying out video for the first time...

    I am using iMovie. I have been told to reduce the dimensions of the movie and that could help.
  9. banjo_boy

    Trying out video for the first time...

    I just digitized some video to my computer and now my 50G partition is only 7G. What is the best way to reduce to file size? I have no budget to buy anything if you are going to suggest purchasing a program or hardware. Can I go from Raw file format to MPEG-2 and back without problem? Whatever...
  10. banjo_boy

    The Apple Store refub area cleared...

    However it was full for a little over a month with little changes here and there. I can not see why there was a full page one day and then the next it's only eMacs.
  11. banjo_boy

    The Apple Store refub area cleared...

    except for eMacs. Yesterday it was full of many items. Items from each thing they make. Something for rumor or am I blowing smoke?
  12. banjo_boy

    so, when new ipods?

    Randman hit the right word! EGO! Marketing is BS. Bas in B. S as in S. Marketing is ego. And Steve has enough ego to supply the world over 10 fold. Get rid of the ego! Stop dangling the carrot in our face. When they come out with updates, I am not impressed. Now, if Steve presented a dual 3G...
  13. banjo_boy

    so, when new ipods?

    More than likely, Apple will release them with the "song for a buck" program, which is lame to me. I could care less about the "$1 song" bit, but I would love to see a 40G iPod. Why does Apple think they have to have a big ol' parade when they come out with something new!?! The 40G iPod is not...
  14. banjo_boy

    Former VP Al Gore on Apple board of directors

    American Soldiers brainwashed? I guess defending our country and other countries is brainwashing. Having terrorists blowing up the towers means we should do nothing. The military is not the ones I am worried about being brainwashed...
  15. banjo_boy

    Former VP Al Gore on Apple board of directors

    Yeah. Me too. All the innocent men women AND children who have been tortured just because Saddam can. Those who were place on metal bed frames that were hooked up to electric wall outlets. Those women who have been hung upside down throughout their full menstration cycle or hung by their hair...
  16. banjo_boy

    Former VP Al Gore on Apple board of directors

    Ditto here.
  17. banjo_boy

    Former VP Al Gore on Apple board of directors

    There is nothing. Apple already has the name recognition. They must think Al can really contribute something. I am willing to see it come true.
  18. banjo_boy

    Former VP Al Gore on Apple board of directors

    You must be from S. Dakota! Where gambling is the main governmental income!