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  1. F

    1gig pc3200 stick and iBook 1.33ghz

    It works it works!!! HW test OK, now let's see if something strange happens in real world operations.
  2. F

    1gig pc3200 stick and iBook 1.33ghz

    I hope I can go there in the next few days, I'll come back and write down if everything went well or not (argh!)
  3. F

    1gig pc3200 stick and iBook 1.33ghz

    It should naturally downlcock itself at 333mhz if I got it right. Unfortunately the local dealer can't let me try it before buying...
  4. F

    1gig pc3200 stick and iBook 1.33ghz

    Hi I have found this Corsair Value ram VS1GSDS400 in a local shop for 30 bucks. I was wondering if I can safely remove the old 512mb pc2700 module and install that one without haivng issues (ibook 1.33ghz 12'' mid 2005) Thanks in advance