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  1. M

    I need to twist the IE a bit under the OX-X 5.6.7

    Hey ElDiabloConCaca, thanks a lot. I appreciate your help. I downloaded Darwin and IE6. With Darwin 1.0 doesn't the web doesn't work. With 1.1 after 10 seconds it gives me an error message and it kicks me out. So, I guess is a Wine problem. I'll wait for a better version. Thanks to everybody...
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    I need to twist the IE a bit under the OX-X 5.6.7

    Hey guys. Thanks a lot for your help. Regarding the activeX under MAC, Microsoft released a long time ago (I think in 1996) a beta version of a SDK and I thought OS-X already incorporated it. Link1 Anyway, thanks again for your help. I'll see you around. ;) Andy
  3. M

    I need to twist the IE a bit under the OX-X 5.6.7

    Hey, thanks for your replay. I'm already using VirtualBox and it works ok, but the thing is I just wanted to get rid of xp. The .cab file is already decompressed. I got 4 files out of it. Three .ocx (activeX) and one .inf Now, I read that activeX works ok with OS-X, so I installed IE 5.2 to...
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    I need to twist the IE a bit under the OX-X 5.6.7

    I need to access a website that was design for IE and I'm trying to make it run under OS-X. Is a medical page and the first thing that happens is they make me download a .cab file that has 4 files inside. One .inf and other three .ocx Without that .cab file the content of the website doesn't...
  5. M

    twist the IE under OX-X 5.6.7

    I'd like to ask you a quick question about the use of IE under OS-X. I need to access a website that was design for IE and I'm trying to make it run under OS-X. Is a medical page and the first thing that happens is they make me download a .cab file that has 4 files inside. One .inf and other...