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  1. pooch

    Case Suggestions for the iPod?

    Check out the following web site: I recently purchased their iPod case and I have to say it is really nice! I got the silver case which looks very nice with the iPod. I went to some site looking for info on cases and they recommended this case over all others...
  2. pooch

    Photoshop 7 Beta is terrific

    I hope you're right about the beta. I figured that might be the case. I can't imagine that they would make all the companies that made plugins re-code them, that would be a terrible mistake!
  3. pooch

    Photoshop 7 Beta is terrific

    One thing I think you forgot to mention that I have noticed in the beta is that third party plugins for photoshop 6.0 or older DO NOT WORK with this version of photoshop!!!!! Unless, I am doing something wrong this is a huge problem. Although I rarely use my third party filters I still need them...
  4. pooch

    10.1 Speed Not Acceptable

    How much ram are you running OSX.1 with? I have a 266 G3 that I just stuck an additional 256mb or ram in and OSX.1 works nicely. My tibook on the other hand has no problem runing x.1; in fact, it is the nicest OS I have ever used hands down! You might want to do what Aussie John suggested and...
  5. pooch

    Tell Others about this FORUM!

    First Post! I really like this BBS it is very well organized. See you soon!