Search results

  1. Tigger

    German magazine "c't" f's up, lays the smackdown

    I wouldn't say they fucked up. It is a fact that if you Benchmark Pentium vs. G4 that you get different results depending of what benchmarks you are using. So it basically depends on what you are doing with your computer which one will be faster for you. If you only use programs that use...
  2. Tigger

    How to: crash windows XP

    Try crashes IE on OS X instantly.
  3. Tigger

    Ok DISSAPOINTED (new ibook)

    I had to install some Macs last year in Germany, and they wanted this restore CD on first boot. The nice thing was: There wasn't any restore CD inside the package! :mad: That was really nice of Apple. Fortunatly, there was a Mac OS 9 CD inside on package. I had to format the hard disks and...
  4. Tigger

    How many people got a Soundblaster Live?

    Just want to keep my topic up, shame on me... :D
  5. Tigger

    How many people got a Soundblaster Live?

    Hello, I have the Soundblaster Live for Mac, and I am still waiting for the OS X drivers. Now I would like to know how many people are with me... :)
  6. Tigger

    Determining my iDisk quota.

    If you connect to your iDisk and choose "Show Status Bar" from the "View" finder menu, you can see how much space is left on your iDisk. Or if you show the info on the mounted iDisk Volume (Command-i), you can see the used and free space of your iDisk. It works just like you would...
  7. Tigger

    Automating a simple task?

    Oh, one thought: Do you put it in the StartUpItems folder in /Library/, or do you use the Login Items in the Systempreferences app? (In the Login panel) It won't remember any user specific settings if in /Library/StartUpItems.
  8. Tigger

    Automating a simple task?

    That is strange. I just tried it, and it remembers its settings on my machine. Maybe you should throw it out of the login items, then add it to your dock, and then put it again in the login items, maybe this will work (That is the order in which I did it) :confused:
  9. Tigger

    Java Question

    Here is the thread in the other forum: Link to thread Any further answers better there please...
  10. Tigger

    Java Question

    That is strange. version 1.3 IS Java 2. In fact, anything above 1.1.8 (I think) is Java 2. Look into the readme of that app. Maybe it says something about needing 1.4 This is not out on the Mac yet.