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  1. iMan

    Windows to Go PowerPC

    dktrickey, he he he you got me, I didn't read the link just clicked on it :o :rolleyes: :p Viktor
  2. iMan

    PB12 vs PB15

    It's coming, the firewire2 stuff, but as for a normal user you don't really need the extra speed. The tests I've see with firewire vs firewire2 have been only a 20-30% speed increase. It will get better but for now I think it would be wise for Apple to add usb2 support on all their products...
  3. iMan

    PB12 vs PB15

    I wonder if the whole PowerBook line is going to be updated along with the 15" and if so they will add usb2 ports and firewire2 on all of them Viktor
  4. iMan

    Windows to Go PowerPC

    dktrickey, the url you posted gives a page not found error Viktor
  5. iMan

    PB12 vs PB15

    I've looked at buying the 12" but one thing that have put me off is the screen. It doesn't seem to be at all as nice as on the 15" as far as brightness/contrast etc goes. If I remember correctly the 12" iBook has a better looking screen, could this be due to the Graphic chip in the PB 12"? What...
  6. iMan

    PB12 vs PB15

    Well, I think that the 15" powerbook will hold a a good value for while because it's the the last powerbook that will boot into os 9. I remember that my Lombard was sought after for a while because it was the last powerbook with SCSI. A bit off topic but still :P Viktor
  7. iMan

    itunes can't find my burner?!?!?! No way.

    I'm not sure but I think that the Apple Music Store songs are encoded in AAC format, correct me if I'm wrong. If so you need to convert them back to mp3's Viktor
  8. iMan

    Glider is BACK!

    Arden, Thanks for the link :) Some of the games I haven't played for a very long time, thanks a lot. :) I haven't enjoyed my self like that for a long time, what a great time machine Viktor
  9. iMan

    article: is your Mac fast enough?

    Lycander, you must have an old computer like I do running mac os x ;p , I have the same problem. But if I run os 9 it is a lot more responsive. It's all about running the OS/Software that are made in the same 'time period' as your own mac or older. That way your computer will feel responsive...
  10. iMan


    and also I think you have to buy a Beetle to get the iPod deal, you wouldn't want to be seen in that unless you're a chick..... :p Viktor
  11. iMan

    To PowerBook or not to PowerBook, that, indeed, is the question

    Just a note, the PowerBook 12" doesn't have Firewire 800 only the old 400 version. Only the 17" PB have Firewire 800. Viktor
  12. iMan

    FireWire 2, USB 2 - When on Macintosh?

    For a PowerBook you can buy a USB2 PC-card for about $50, there problem solved Viktor
  13. iMan

    The Future of Processors for Apple

    I want to buy a PowerBook soon but I'd like to get the G5 version. My dilemma is that what if they won't come out on til summer 2004 or later then I'd buy one now, but i don't want to get a G4 now and then there will be a G5 version in January, I can hold off til january... What should I...
  14. iMan

    Getting to see you through iChat AV...

    I have done the voice chat with my friend in New York and my brother in Sweden. It's great, sound quality is great and it's saves me a lot of money. My brother was on a dial-up and it still worked great. No more international phone bills :) Viktor
  15. iMan

    WWDC News Reports Here! is uppdated Go check it out Viktor
  16. iMan

    WWDC News Reports Here!

    I like the case, I's not as good looking as the cube was, but it's what's inside that counts. I'll make my final jugement when I see it up close and personal.... ;) Viktor
  17. iMan

    WWDC News Reports Here!

    Well I'm glad that the G5 didn't look like that bad shoot of an alu box claimed to be the new apple that were floating around for a while. Looked mor like an PC box to me. Viktor
  18. iMan

    WWDC News Reports Here!

    We thank them all..good work guys and thanks again senne Viktor
  19. iMan

    WWDC News Reports Here!

    Thanks alot senne.. you made my day.. ;) Viktor
  20. iMan

    WWDC News Reports Here!

    What about PowerBooks? Nothin about an updated 15"? Viktor