Search results

  1. ITz The MaN

    AOL with OS X?

    You could use the "PPP Connect" app to dial into aol. but then if you do that, you probably could not use all the aol services because that would mean you would have to log into aol under classic using the "TCP/IP" setting, and loging in twice (which aol does not allow). You could always try and...
  2. ITz The MaN

    How do you allow PC's to browes your shares?

    I have Sharity installed, and i am able to browes my PC's (in the other room) files. I just cannot figure out how to get shairity to shair my files so that my PC can see them. Any one know how to do this? Thanx
  3. ITz The MaN

    "Real" GUI SetiAtHome for OSX! Not TextOnly!!

    If you read the documentation (i am not sure wich one, but i remember it had OS X in the file name) it gives u intsructions on how to uninstall it. All you have to do is su to root, type source with a space, and then drag in the script (or whatever it is) from the documentation folder! I did...
  4. ITz The MaN

    SNES9X under MacOSX PB

    All you have to do is use resedit to open SNES9X, and add a resource named "carb" then save! The program will work under os X! Have fun!
  5. ITz The MaN

    SNES9X under MacOSX PB

    All you have to do is use resedit to open SNES9X, and add a resource named "carb" then save! The program will work under os X! Have fun!
  6. ITz The MaN

    Print Center does not open

    When i try to open the Print Center under any user other than root, it tells me "Print Center must run with adminastrator privlages" then in little letters is says "The print center software is not configured correctly. Please check it and, if nessisary, reinstall your system software." I had a...
  7. ITz The MaN

    A good way of searching through hidden files!

    Here is a good way to look through hidden files, withought anny unix commands: 1.Open OmniWeb (IE crashes when u attempt this) 2. for page adress, type "file://~" 3. this will let you browse your hard drive and will not hide any hidden files!
  8. ITz The MaN

    how do i get out of the unix command top?

    you can also press command+period.
  9. ITz The MaN

    SNES9X under MacOSX PB

    how do you start it in x mode? what is x mode?
  10. ITz The MaN

    >console question

    How do u go into >console mode?
  11. ITz The MaN

    The FUN is back!

    I love messing around with computers, but untill OS X beta came out. There was realy nothing to do. Now that its out, I am on this thing all the time, messing around with it and learning as much as possible. I never used unix before, and for the while that I had mac os x, I have learned so much...
  12. ITz The MaN

    help!! trying to unistall os x

    You could try to remove it using norton utilities the version before the one for OS X partitions). When you run it, it should find all the stuff os x did to your partition and fix it. After that, you should be able to delete it without the dialoug. If the dialouge still comes up, try deleting...
  13. ITz The MaN

    classic superuser lockout

    After messin around with this problem for a while, I think there is a way to make it so that when u open an application, you can make it automaticly open up as if it was opened by root (or any other user) even though you are loged on as a different user. If this is true, then you will have to...
  14. ITz The MaN

    Get OSX off my Laptop!!

    Opps, yah, I ment the start up disk control pannel within os x. Sorry. Did you try to make your mac ignore your hard drive? (You hold Command+option+shift+delete before your computer starts up) Make sure the system CD your computer came with is in the CD rom drive! If that doesnt work, you can...
  15. ITz The MaN

    Get OSX off my Laptop!!

    Here is what u do: Pop in your Mac OS 9 CD Go into your system prefrences Go to the system disk control pannel and select the cd reboot It should boot into the cd and let you reformat or whatever. If it doesnt work, your last hope would be to hold down command+option+shift+delete at start...
  16. ITz The MaN

    classic superuser lockout

    I also messed with the sharing properties, and got the same dialouge! I am a total newbie to unix, but I learned a couple tricks by messing with it, and reading FAQ's. under the unix console, I remanmed to classic (using the command "mv classic") and i was able to open...
  17. ITz The MaN

    cocoa vs. carbonizing

    When i run carbon apps, they tend to crash much more than cocoa apps. Actually I dont think i have ever had a cocoa app crash on me! I think that carbon is like what FAT used to be in the Classic OS. I dont think that carbon apps run as smoothly as cocoa apps. They dont run as fast, and i dont...