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  1. perfessor101

    Problem with "enter" in Word

    Have you encountered this behavior in any applications other than Microsoft Word? If it is only in Word you can spend hours debugging, but if it were me, I would uninstall Microsoft Office using the uninstall utility on the install CD or downloadable from the Microsoft web site. Then re-install...
  2. perfessor101

    i-Tunes and Quicktime not launching in OS 10.3.9

    There are several things that could have happened to cause the reset including a power drop out or spike. The real question is why Quicktime and iTunes are not working after an erase and install. Assuming you followed the normal procedure of running Software update after the reinstall to update...
  3. perfessor101

    HUGE console.log

    The log files actually log events such as opening applications, errors generated, closing applications, etc. You can view the contents of the log files by opening the Console application in the /Applications/Utilities folder. When you do you will discover there is a whole world of log files...
  4. perfessor101

    Problem with "enter" in Word

    When something like that happens, the first thing I always try is rebooting the computer. None out of ten times that will fix the problem. Fortunately with OS X I only have to do that every few months.
  5. perfessor101

    Has my machine been *owned*??

    I recognize all of those "users" and they are not abnormal. I am curious why any of them were showing up in your login window however. By any chance are any of the associated applications installed in your home folder rather than in the /Applications folder on the drive root? Since Security...
  6. perfessor101

    Has my machine been *owned*??

    The multiple "hidden users" associated with apps you have installed is completely normal OS X/Unix operation. Many applications install and use their own "user" in the system to handle functions regardless of which particular user is actually logged on. Without knowing what those 13...
  7. perfessor101

    Shared library error message

    Tell the turkey to get his own Mac and leave yours alone. At least that is what my wife did. I now keep my hands off her Mac unless I have her explicit permission -- I have grown too accustomed to my head being perched at the top of my neck to do otherwise. :D It would help to know...
  8. perfessor101

    Find and remove empty folders

    Allume's Spring Cleaning will, among other things, find empty folders and allow you to delete them. Like any tool of its type, Spring Cleaning can be a useful tool, but used indiscriminately, it can be dangerous as well. Just be sure you know what you are deleting or you can easily wind up...
  9. perfessor101

    realplayer streaming video

    Try SnapZ Pro. It will copy any image on the screen and capture the accompanying sound. Note the ability to capture movies is a $40 add on to the basic $29 SnapZ Pro license. You can try it out without registering but you will end up with a hoggy great Unregistered watermark on the movie image.
  10. perfessor101

    How Do I Clean Install G3 os

    The short answer to your question is what you are attempting is impossible. The long answer is the K7som+5.2c motherboard is a PC motherboard using either an Intel or Intel clone microprocessor. The OS X you got with your G3 Mac physically cannot run on a PC motherboard or with an Intel or...
  11. perfessor101

    Burning DVD+R

    Unless you have replaced the optical drive in your G4 iMac or you are using an external burner the drive itself does not have the lasers needed to burn a DVD+R nor the lasers needed to burn a CD+R. The double layer SuperDrives Apple is installing now can handle either DVD-R or DVD+R. They have...
  12. perfessor101

    My files are loosing the Created (date-hour) info !

    If you want to both read and write to the Flash drive from all three platforms, the only formats available to you are FAT16 and FAT32 (in Mac terminology FAT32 is called MS-DOS). And yes you will lose some file information between the three platforms simply because FAT32 is a relatively ancient...
  13. perfessor101

    Java problem

    There have been two updates to Java 1.4.2, the second is located here. Personally I have been using Java 2 SE Release 3 which contains Java 1.5.0_05. It does not replace Java 1.4.2 but can be used instead of Java 1.4.2. The installer places a J2SE 5.0 folder in /Applications/Utilities/Java and...
  14. perfessor101

    Inbox mail gone...

    Try rebuilding your inbox (Mailbox > Rebuild). Just as a matter of good practice, since you are obviously so dependent on your email you should backup up the entire ~/Library/Mail folder daily maintaining at least 10 versions in case you backup a corrupted version by accident. You should also...
  15. perfessor101

    downloading .rar in safari

    You can use MisFox a freeware app from the developer of iCab to change the file mappings and protocol helpers for rar files to Stuffit Expander.
  16. perfessor101

    Camino vs. Firefox vs. Safari

    I use Safari, because I have become thoroughly accustomed to the look and feel, but my strong second choice is Camino. I agree completely with Mikuro's assessment of Firefox. A fourth alternative browser is Shiira which is based on the OS X internet toolkit and is quite fast. I would probably...
  17. perfessor101

    iPhoto books - real photo sizes

    All iPhoto cropping and touchup is retained, but the actual printed size of the images in the album is a function of the number of images on the page. The more images, the smaller each must be to fit on the page. I have been quit pleased with the printed albums I have ordered.
  18. perfessor101

    Syncing Home Dir Between Two Machines

    Forget syncing. Get a high capacity external firewire drive then boot each machine from the firewire drive and run from it. At the end of the day, dismount the drive power it down, take it home and plug it into the home machine and boot that machine from the same drive. In the morning reverse...
  19. perfessor101

    Boot off CD

    If you want to boot from the optical drive there are three options: With a bootable volume in the optical drive, boot while holding down the C key (this does not change the default boot drive) Boot while holding down the Option key then select the volume you wish to boot from the list provided...
  20. perfessor101

    Repair Permissions Never Comes Up Clean

    Anytime you see the "We are using special permissions" tagline the comment can be ignored. It is provided for information only and nothing is being permanently changed. Personally I could live happily without the information but I am willing to accept Apple has a good reason for leaving it in...