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  1. KBug

    Scripts gone with QS

    Yes I've tried that but no use :-(
  2. KBug

    Scripts gone with QS

    Looks like no one has ever faced this problem before. Okay now, can I just know how to get back all the scripts Mac OS Leopard installs by default ?
  3. KBug

    Scripts gone with QS

    I have just uninstalled QuickSilver using AppZapper(AZ), first time with AZ. Now after re-installing QS, under the All Plugins section just a few plugins are shown. I suspect AZ cleaned up all the scripts which came installed with Leopard. I am unable to use QS commands like Shutdown, Restart...
  4. KBug

    Unable to reboot router from Terminal

    Okay let us forget this telnet thing. Now my actual problem is to disconnect my WIFI broadband internet connection at 2AM daily. How can I do this now that Telnet is out of picture. I am in desperate need of a solution, is it possible via Automator or any other way to disconnect internet at a...
  5. KBug

    Unable to reboot router from Terminal

    Like I said earlier I had the firmware upgrade.
  6. KBug

    Unable to reboot router from Terminal

    I just Reset my router but same thing happens again. I telnet, it asks for for login, I type admin and click enter, it says login incorrect. Very very frustrating :-(
  7. KBug

    Unable to reboot router from Terminal

    Before the firmware upgrade I was unable to Telnet but after the firmware upgrade I am able to Telnet to my router. But the problem is logging into it. When I telnet to my router it greets me and asks for Login, I type admin and press enter, it says login incorrect. It doesn't ask for password...
  8. KBug

    Unable to reboot router from Terminal

    Heyy guys updating the firmware seems to have done the trick. Now I am able to telnet to my router. However there is still a login problem. The user name is admin and pass is MaccaM. Now in the terminal I type : telnet, I get login :. At the login I try to type admin, I get login...
  9. KBug

    Unable to reboot router from Terminal

    No the manual doesn't mention anything about remote connection. My router is Super G Wireless Broadband Router Model #AR430W from Airlink101 (
  10. KBug

    Unable to reboot router from Terminal

    There is this Remote management setting in my Router config page, so I guess Telnet and SSH should be possible. Check here :
  11. KBug

    Unable to reboot router from Terminal

    @Giaguara The same things happens when I try to reboot directly from terminal. I get connection refused. @nixgeek How can I know that I have to SSh or Telnet is disabled ?
  12. KBug

    Unable to reboot router from Terminal

    I have this AppleScript to reboot my router, but for some strange reasons which I don't understand, the script doesn't reboot my router. Here is the script : ---------------------------------- tell application "Terminal" run do script "telnet" delay 1 do script "admin" in...