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  1. Doctor X

    Internal Hd Suggestions For 2011 Macbook Pro

    Wow. That is one [CENSORED--Ed.] fast [CENSORED--Ed.] Your Mom [CENSORED--Ed.] boot! --J.D.
  2. Doctor X

    Internal Hd Suggestions For 2011 Macbook Pro

    Nearly 2.5 years later, the computer is running slow. Most diagnostic programs cannot handle a hybrid--it is either "SMART" or "FAIL." However, there have been some odd errors and VERYYYYY LONG reboots that you have to sometimes cancel. Everything else--including memory checks out. Looks like...
  3. Doctor X

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

  4. Doctor X

    can't copy files to external drive anymore (error code -36)

    I do not know, I have been waiting patiently for 25 years on how to best upgrade from System 6 to System 7! What? --J.D.
  5. Doctor X

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

  6. Doctor X

    Any Apple Data Recovery Software That I Can Try For Free?

    I am not sure the link should remain. --J.D.
  7. Doctor X

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Give a kid suffering from depression a red balloon. --J.D.
  8. Doctor X

    Phishing Emails ...

    I usually block the IPs. If someone from China wishes to correspond with me, I have previously made their acquaintance. A major problem is Gmail which has nonexistent filtering. "Block" just send it to a "Spam" assuming it does not simply send it right to your Inbox. There is no way to block...
  9. Doctor X

    Can't Install Os 10.4

    WHY? It will depend on which, exactly, "2006" Macbook, but a review of most Mackbooks and Mackbook Pros via MacTracker give Mac OS X 10.6.8, or 10.7 [Snow Leopard and Lion respectively.--Ed.] as the OS that came with the computer. 10.4 is "pretty f[CENSORED--Ed.]king far from 'okay'!" to quote...
  10. Doctor X

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Um . . . er . . . you realize . . . This is Spinal Tap? --J. "Doubley!" D.
  11. Doctor X

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Did they not rip-off The Thamesmen? What? --J.D.
  12. Doctor X

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Requiescat in pace Dolores O'Riordan. Bíonn an bás ar aghaidh an tseanduine agus ar chúl an duine óig. --J.D.
  13. Doctor X

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Ala the epic: The Japanese seiyū [Stop that!--Ed.] voice actors for Eren, Mikasa, and Connie sing the opening to Attack on Titan: --J.D. P.S. Looking for "The Kids" original I found: which is just epic.
  14. Doctor X

    Copying Single File From One Mac To Another Using Time Machine Drive

    Carbon Copy Cloner is well regarded. The thing is, years ago, Time Machine would not make a bootable clone for some reason. So if you had a MacBook of any type, and your Int-HD decided to die unceremoniously, you could not boot your computer off of Time Machine. Also, CCC and SuperDuper! at the...
  15. Doctor X

    Copying Single File From One Mac To Another Using Time Machine Drive

    Huh. Since no one has replied, let me see if I can help. To begin with I do not use Time Machine since I use a different cloning program. That noted, as far as I know, all a TM drive is is a copy of "you." You should be able to hook it up to another Mac as if it is what it is: an external hard...
  16. Doctor X

    Official: High Sierra Issues

    ["Poof!"--Ed.] Unrelated mistake. --J.D.
  17. Doctor X


    I will not buy this record. It is scratched. --J.D.
  18. Doctor X

    Official: High Sierra Issues

    I will note that using App Store to direct download and update to 10.13.2 caused a problem. It may be because I did not wait long enough for the Mac to reboot--got impatient. This rendered the OS unable to update: if you restart, it would hang . . . for hours. Mac would still boot, but then you...
  19. Doctor X

    Font Problems With El Capitan Upgrade

    What happens when you open Font Book? Can you find the font there? --J.D.
  20. Doctor X

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Is there any subtext to that song? What? Well, if you want to date yourself and go all the way: It appears to be a song about Solitaire Tag, I believe. . . . --J.D.