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  1. W

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    Speaking of that, _Goldmember_ had a Pro keyboard mounted on a pole to the right the spinning time-vortex gate thingie. Presumably the controls.
  2. W

    Apple's newest Switch ad!

    OK. I'm probably late to the game, but ROTFL! Fantastic. Just fantastic.
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    APPLE OSX: an easy but needed improvement

    OS X really does freeze when you go to eject a CD. It's very annoying--and your timing is amazing. Just today I was thinking, "damn, it's slow to eject the disk and I have to wait and shouldn't have to wait." So, Apple, if you read this thread, please fix this in the next update? :) Will
  4. W

    postscript fonts.....a no go

    I had an issue like that--scared the bejeezus outta me as I *depend* on my fonts to do my work. I tinkered and tinkered and tinkered. Then, I restarted. Everything was A-OK when OS X came back up. You'll probably have done a restart by the time you read this, but if you haven't give it a...
  5. W

    Web sharing through a DSL router

    OK. The way this works is that your friends will hit the WAN IP address you give them (see my last post) and their request will be passed by the Router to the LAN IP address of your Mac (see my first post). That is, by setting things up the way I described you're telling the Router...
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    Web sharing through a DSL router

    Oh, yeah. You need to know the *external* address of the router (not your internal LAN address) to tell your friends. You can find this by logging into the Router's Web interface, clicking the Status tab, and reading the WAN IP address. This is what they'll need to find you as it's...
  7. W

    Web sharing through a DSL router

    Don't hold me to it, but I have a similar router (Linksys Etherfast) setup and I've attempted what you want to do successfully. (To use Apache to put a mini Web site, accessable only by the IP address and not by name, out on the Web. Ditto ftp) (As I remember it. . . .) You need to: (1)...
  8. W

    OS X removal--success EXCEPT for system suitcase--HELP

    Hi, I used Ghost Hunter 2.1 to remove ALMOST all OS X 10.0.4 files from my beige G3. Everything's A-OK. (The G3/300 just doesn't handle OS X well--too slow. Decided to stick to 9.x.) HOWEVER, I can't delete the final file (an empty suitcase) named "System" that's in the trash. After...
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    CompUSA - King of Prussia, PA - SUCK IT!

    Just an FYI, I just got my FREE copy of 10.1 upgrade--they had a whole box. (Tuesday evening, 6:00 P.M.). Give 'em a try. I didn't need to show proof of OS X purchase or anything--just went back to the service desk and he gave it to me. :) That's it--just a follow-up. Will
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    CompUSA - King of Prussia, PA - SUCK IT!

    Hi, I feel your pain and understand *exactly* what you're talking about. I was in the KOP store today (Sunday) and tried to purchase a 10.1 upgrade. I was told they'd be in "sometime next week." But no promises. I'm going to try the Wilmington CompUSA, just over the border on 202. I...
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    Root password and the Sudoers File

    Andrew and acohn2, (1) Acohn2: Thanks for the tip about enabling the Super User password in the Netinfo window. That was a piece of the puzzle. (2) Andrew: Thanks for the tip on how to gain root-level access in Terminal with 'su' (the password being set in Netinfo). I don't know HOW I...
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    Kernel Panic : Survey

    I had a series of *really* ugly kernel panics when playing with OS X on my G3. The situation: I connect to the Web from my G3 via a Linksys Etherfast router (4-port model) to a BellAtlantic DSL. The router is configured to provide DHCP for my internal network. The system appears to be...