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  1. solrac

    HELP - buying a new mac -- decisions!

    I would need to know why the 15 is not the right computer to get for pro level graphics... specific reasons. Because by specs alone it seems like it's fine.
  2. solrac

    HELP - buying a new mac -- decisions!

    Actually... it seems like 2 GB on the mini from apple is $300. The same RAM from Crucial memory is $391. The FIRST TIME EVER apple is cheaper for RAM!! Usually apple has been TRIPLE price. Crazy!
  3. solrac

    HELP - buying a new mac -- decisions!

    Not true -- with a laptop I had to plug it into my peripherals and secondary display every day anyway... and carrying around only a mac mini is lighter and simpler than a whole laptop.
  4. solrac

    HELP - buying a new mac -- decisions!

    What specs are too low for pro apps, on the mac mini? With 2 GB RAM, and an Intel Core Duo -- the specs are PERFECT -- with the expection of a super grahpics card -- but the intel GMA 950, if good enough, is good enough... is it not? And why?
  5. solrac

    HELP - buying a new mac -- decisions!

    Ok check it out, I had a laptop that got stolen. My insurance company is paying me the value of an equivalent which is about $3000 w/ tax. My previous laptop was abysmally slow at times (especially photoshop CS2 and Flash 8) -- although when I first got it it was the best laptop I ever used...
  6. solrac

    Audio recording for OS X

    it's the iRiver iFP 899 for the win! Just got one on eBay... it's not even being shipped anymore
  7. solrac

    Audio recording for OS X

    Thanks but I'm looking for hardware, lol. Unless I can clip my PB 17 inch to my belt, quicktime pro won't really work for ME... ;-)
  8. solrac

    Audio recording for OS X

    I am looking for an audio recorder for OS X. I cannot use the iPod's audio recording feature, because every 2 minutes the hard drive spins up for 10 seconds and it is LOUD. It drowns out everything else being recorded for those 10 seconds, EVERY 2 minutes. I also bought a Sony mini digital...
  9. solrac

    audio recorders for mac?

    oh yeah.... ipod recordingIS HORRIBLE!!! You hear the iPod hard drive spin up every 2 minutes. It's like vvvvvvVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV And it drowns out all other sounds. :( I already have a mic for the iPod... and i never use it, it's so bad. -Carlos-
  10. solrac

    audio recorders for mac?

    Hello, I just purchased this crap: It has pretty mediocre audio quality and NO MAC SOFTWARE! Ugh... I can return it though. So what should I get instead? Any highly recommended audio recorders that are pocket sized?
  11. solrac

    Network error - worth reporting to Apple?

    Hmm, interesting. In my case, it's just the automatically assigned DHCP. All I did was plug the ethernet cable in and click the personal websharing checkbox and voila. (It's a large company's network so I have no idea what their network guys did with their router setups, etc.)
  12. solrac

    Network error - worth reporting to Apple?

    Here's a screenshot, with the solution / problem in red text. Worth reporting to Apple?
  13. solrac

    Also... powerPC is NOT dead

    You don't get it. It's much simpler than you are making it. There will be no bloat. One Mac OS X box will simply have an "Intel" logo on it. The other will have a "PPC" logo on it. Or "insert chip logo here". Apple will compile OS X for whatever chipset they are selling. I am sure they'll...
  14. solrac

    Also... powerPC is NOT dead

    10.6, 10.7, 10.8.... ETCETERA ETCETERA... ad nauseum... WILL HAVE PPC SUPPORT. Many customers will have their dual G5s for YEARS, and they will always be able to upgrade Mac OS X. PERIOD. And when a new PPC comes out that's the best thing in the world, apple will make boxes with it. PERIOD...
  15. solrac

    Please don't call it a Macintosh

    Well, I called obsession over the chip "dumb". Now, the anti-intel guys have been calling it the PUTRIFICATION of the macintosh. Now THAT'S name calling! And to our beloved Apple, no less.
  16. solrac

    Also... powerPC is NOT dead

    There IS no backwards compatibility. G5 and Intel are both supported NOW. If Apple stops buying G5, and only Intel, that may be TEMPORARY. But if something like a G6 comes out, Apple can now CHOOSE to buy it, with NO technology BARRIERS. This is simply Apple creating the POWER OF CHOICE for...
  17. solrac

    Please don't call it a Macintosh

    The speed was slower on the Intel because it was using Rosetta (the binary translator.) The speed will be up to par after developers recompile their Apps. As for not liking the Intel... LOL That's like ... so dumb. I can't even think of an analogy. The Intel is not an engine. It's just a...
  18. solrac

    Also... powerPC is NOT dead

    Nope. What I'm trying to say is... Apple might make ALL of it's computers Intels in 2007 or 2008. That is "no more" PPCs. Fine. But if IBM comes out with the G6 (or equivalent) in 2009, for example, Apple WILL be able to use it at the drop of a hat. Apple will NOT have to re-transition BACK...
  19. solrac

    Also... powerPC is NOT dead

    This I just can't believe. If apple removes all compatibility with PPC, I will eat my own poo.
  20. solrac

    Please don't call it a Macintosh

    WRONG. The Macintosh experience is the operating system. Period. And to a lesser extent the case designs. Pretty case and Mac OS X = mac. Motherboard, chip, RAM, video card.... those are all blind slaves that make no difference to the mac experience other than speed, as someone else said...