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  1. solrac

    GarageBand Creations

    sounds cool like electronic trance stuff...
  2. solrac

    GarageBand Creations

    I posted a question about the bosendorfer vs. the yamaha in the main forum, but anyway, might as well post the links here too: Bosendorfer Yamaha I think the Yamaha sounds much cleaner and sharper, but the Bosendorfer has much clearer low bass notes.
  3. solrac

    garageband - bosendorfer piano vs. yamaha piano

    So I've been wondering why the $150,000 Bosendorfer piano that comes in the jam pack is so great, over the $50,000 yamaha piano. Someone else said the bosendorfer (classical piano) is much softer and better for classical pieces, and has more range. Anyway... here's a piano track I...
  4. solrac

    am i the first to post this? New iChat AV BETA!!

    New beta! Works with video with AIM 5.5 on PC! discussnow
  5. solrac

    Is there a rush for yellow caps pepsi bottles ?

    Damn, I went to my local grocery store to get some Pepsis, but I was trampled in a stampede!!! Everyone was foaming at the mouth and grabbing pepsi bottles. I saw only a sea of hands, grasping, grasping, and I was pulled under. Somehow I was ejected out the front door but I had a couple pepsis...
  6. solrac

    iPhoto -- importing not working right, help!!

    I figured it out... that was the problem... still, even this cannot replace the finder. All subfolders that are changed to film rolls would become all disorganized
  7. solrac

    garageBand - hard disk too slow??

    i have 1 GB of RAM. It should be able to load a song entirely into memory
  8. solrac

    iPhoto -- importing not working right, help!!

    This isn't working at all! When I try this, it just dumps all my pictures into the main library, with no albums or film rolls! I have over 3500 photos organized in the Finder, by folder names. I want to preserve these folder names as film rolls or albums.... how do i do it?
  9. solrac

    garageBand - hard disk too slow??

    ElDiablo... I'm on a Powerbook G4 1 Ghz, 1 GB RAM (which I wrote in my first post). Based on all the replies, I would expect a fix from Apple. But then again, it does work fine from my LaCie External 200 GB Firewire 800 HD. But if THAT was required for garage Band, Apple would have needed to...
  10. solrac

    garageBand - hard disk too slow??

    Well I guess I fixed the problem by placing the song files on my external 200 GB FireWire 800 drive, which cost me $450 when it first came out. So what, that drive is like 10 times faster than my internal one???!! That also sucks for people who are not fortunate enough to have an external...
  11. solrac

    garageBand - hard disk too slow??

    I just installed GarageBand and opened the Reflection demo song included with it. It says, hard disk too slow, or system overload, cannot play back all the tracks at the same time. Try muting some tracks. So I muted all the tracks except for Strings and Nylong Guitar solo.... still same...
  12. solrac

    hahah exposé bug!!!

    what does this do? Does nothing for me
  13. solrac

    hahah exposé bug!!!

    :D I'm such a geek!!! Hitting F12 while folder name is hilited on desktop makes hilited folder name fly away with other windows!! :-P :o ::ha::
  14. solrac

    Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

    i had this desktop / screensaver problem myself, for a few days. Then one day it fixed itself and hasn't come back since.
  15. solrac

    History of Apple's Finances???

    OK I've read about it. I guess Apple was small in 1976 when Steve Jobs first put together his first computer with Steve Wozniak. But by 1979 (when I was born) Apple had thousands of employees. That's millions and millions of dollars withing THREE YEARS! So obviously, Apple did not...
  16. solrac

    History of Apple's Finances???

    I was reading about the 1984 commercial. Apparently, back in 1984, Apple and Steve Jobs, and Wozniak, had enough money to pay $400,000 themselves to pitch in to the advertising costs of this commercial. Even of 2 million dollars total. Just 6 or 7 years before that, Steve Jobs was making his...
  17. solrac

    Apple - two words to consider: "Home Automation"

    there is a home automation program for the mac. I forget what it's called but it was on mac addict magazine. It lets you turn on and off any appliances or lightswitches in your house!!! So at 8 am every morning your alarm clock goes off, right? Well with this, you can make your alarm clock go...
  18. solrac

    Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

    Well I didn't see this posted: When I have icons on the desktop, especially pictures with a preview of the picture as the icon (especially as saved by Photoshop), and I select a few of them, and drag them, the Finder instantly crashes. (Everything disappears, and then the Finder comes back...
  19. solrac

    Ichatav - User Names

    solrac149 AIM account (I use iChat) when I'm at home, I have iSight when I'm at work, no iSight, no audio