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  1. Gnomo

    Music Is My Hot, Hot Sex

    Ugh, the commercial gets stuck in my head~!
  2. Gnomo

    Every Word document my friend opens contains Macros! ???

    Sounds like your friend forgot to change the setting when recording a Macro. By default Word wants to record the macro into the file that is used as the Main template for all Word documents on the machine. *Insert M$ Bashing Rant/Cursing Here* Your friend will need to open Normal...
  3. Gnomo

    Upgraded To leapoard : Cannot Connect to Internet

    I don't know if this would solve your problem or not, but it sounds simple enough that it is worth a try.
  4. Gnomo

    Where is the iSight for MacPros ?

    I feel your pain. No iSight for my Mac mini either. :'(
  5. Gnomo

    Clone Multi-Linked Disk

    I currently have an external hard drive that I am thinking re-tasking as my Time Machine backup disk. However, the capacity of the drive is too low for the 1:2 ratio that everyone seems to recommend when asked how big of a drive I should have/get (especially if I backup all 3 of my machines to...
  6. Gnomo

    Airport not detecting networks after sleep or reboot

    I'm gonna have to chalk this one up to interference. I moved recently and have not had any further problems.
  7. Gnomo

    aGent mac webcam review?

    So, I'm in the market for a webcam/mic combo for my mini. I've thought about trying to hunt down an isight, because I don't like to look of any of the logitech or other webcams that are out there. Then I came across this aGent mac webcam by Liquid Digital Solutions out of Australia. However...
  8. Gnomo

    Airport Express and non-Mac router

    If you mean "extend the range" via WDS (Wireless Distribution System) then the answers is no. However you can: 1. Connect the two devices with an ethernet cable. 2. Disable DHCP on one of the devices. (Access Point Mode) 3. Set both devices to use the same network name. This will allow you to...
  9. Gnomo

    Airport problem? Macbook problem? Who knows? I need HELP!

    Not exactly. The symbol for computer to computer network is a little computer (square) inside of a gray airport field. The gray airport bars with a vertical black arrow indicates that the computer is in software base station mode (i.e. the computer has been setup to share its internet...
  10. Gnomo

    cross-platform networking

    That may have been true at some point, but isn't any longer (I've used WPA security with Windows XP SP2). The use of WPA really depends on whether the hard/firmware of the wireless card will support it. For example, the original Airport cards do not support WPA.
  11. Gnomo

    Extending Lynksis Wireless with Airport Express?

    This depends on how you want to extend the wireless network. You can extend your network by connecting the Airport to the Linksys via an ethernet cable. As long as you configure the Airport to use the same network name and subnet as the linksys, and work like an access point (disable dhcp)...
  12. Gnomo

    Help correcting overscan on HDTV

    Since I haven't found anything worth while on Google and haven't gotten any suggestions yet, I started tinkering with the numbers in DisplayConfigX in an effort to better understand what each does. Each Test started with the settings for 720p and adjusted from there. Expected results are what...
  13. Gnomo

    Help correcting overscan on HDTV

    The other day I purchased a new Mac Mini and connected it to my Magnavox 26" HDTV (26MF605W/17) via the DVI port. On initial boot, the menu bar, half of the dock, and a good portion of each side were off the screen. I found a couple forums where people were asking about similar problems with...
  14. Gnomo

    Javascript & Mail Clients

  15. Gnomo

    2Wire and Mac Internet connection problem

    The problem you describe seems reminiscent of a problem my sister had with SBC DSL. If I remember correctly, the problem had to do with SBC requiring PPPoE for their DSL connections. You might look into that.
  16. Gnomo

    ibook battery charge indicator

    While calibrating your battery can help, as your battery ages the maximum charge your battery can achieve will decrease. Thus 100% charge may last 4 hours with a new battery and after a few years barely last an hour. How fast your battery "dies" depends on the number of charge cycles the...
  17. Gnomo

    Airport not detecting networks after sleep or reboot

    Per your suggestion, I took the card out and put it back in. After powering the machine back on the network came up immediately (something that hasn't happened in a long time). But... since I can't leave good enough alone, I had to try putting the computer to sleep, logging out/in, and...
  18. Gnomo

    can you set up Mail for a hotmail account?

    I've seen a mail plugin that can allow you to access hotmail, but never tried it. POP and IMAP are both protocols for accessing email stored on the server. The difference between the two is that POP (Post Office Protocol) downloads the emails to your computer while IMAP (Internet Message...
  19. Gnomo

    My Title Bar icons disappeared

    This is typically caused by something hanging SystemUIServer. Try deleting from ~/Library/Preferences. Then Kill the SystemUIServer process (either via Terminal or Activity Monitor) or you can log out and back in. Hopefully this will restore your menu bar.