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  1. Gnomo

    Airport not detecting networks after sleep or reboot

    Recently my Airport card in my iBook (2001) started misbehaving. It began as with the card not detecting any wireless networks after waking from sleep or switch users. For a while this could be resolved by turning the airport card off and on a few times. The it started causing...
  2. Gnomo

    Airport Wlan

    Some ISPs require that you register your computer's MAC address to be able to connect to the internet. My guess is that they want to charge you per computer you connect to their system. Most people just register their router's MAC address and the ISP is none the wiser. I'd check into the...
  3. Gnomo

    PHP on "Personal Web Sharing" ?

    Tiger comes with Apache 1.3.33 and PHP 4.3.11 So unless you are going to be running a different version of PHP or Apache in your production environment (or need additional pieces of PHP enabled), I'd stick with what comes with Tiger... it is much easier.
  4. Gnomo

    Making my AirPort network as strong as possible

    Definately go with the 128bit key then ... but you already knew that. ::angel::
  5. Gnomo

    Why Am I Seeing Other Networks on My Computer?

    That is correct. You are seeing the list of networks that are in-range. If you are not using wireless encryption (i.e. WEP) or MAC address filtering on your network, this could be cause for some concern as unauthorized users could access your network. To help prevent this, you can do any...
  6. Gnomo

    Making my AirPort network as strong as possible

    Logically it makes sense that you would only need 2 addresses for 2 computers, however this isn't always the way that it works. DHCP gives out the next available address when it receives a request, unless the client specifies the address that it previously had. In which case the DHCP server...
  7. Gnomo

    Palm V not syncing...

    I tried to do this when I first switched to OS X (10.1) using a Belkin device that had OS X drivers with no luck. If I'm remembering correctly, it had to something to do with Palm Desktop not supporting syncing over the 3rd Party serial-to-usb adapter. I guess it wouldn't recognize the Palm...
  8. Gnomo

    Apple sued for iTunes interface

    I agree, this type of thing shouldn't be able to be patented. If what you're saying is correct, I think Apple shouldn't have any problems getting out of this lawsuit. All they have to do is point to these applications: Windows Media Player, Creative PlayCenter, Winamp, etc, etc. Everyone...
  9. Gnomo

    For those who want to keep PowerPC...

    I agree. With this transition, the majority of the BS reasons why windoze users bash Macs are done away with. Especially if Apple uses the same exact hardware. I only have two "concerns" about the transition. The first, which I'm not all that worried about, is that lack of 64 bit...
  10. Gnomo

    help needed with mail please

    You may also want to think about copying the file too. If I remember correctly mail stores information in the preferences about your mailboxes. Thus if your laptop does not have the same mailbox structure as your desktop, some of your mailboxes may not show up. I would...
  11. Gnomo

    no trash in mail 10.4

    Try checking the mailbox behaviors for each of your accounts. I noticed that Mail 2 changed the preference for my IMAP mailboxes to store deleted messages on the server and thus I was not seeing the trash icon.
  12. Gnomo

    PHP echo command that parses a variable

    The command you are looking for is eval. Eval allows you to execute a string as if it were php. To get your example to work, you will need to modify it to be valid php for the eval to parse. This means putting quotes around your strings and ending lines with semicolons. Here is your...
  13. Gnomo

    What portal is this ?

    According to the site it is: "Powered by MX-System 2.7.3 & Phpbb 2.0.10"
  14. Gnomo

    $499 Mac on MWSF'05?

    Last time I checked Apple's direction was to use DVI (an industry standard). Apple already includes an adapter (with the PowerMacs) to connect VGA monitors to a DVI connection, I would expect apple to include this with the new barebones iMac. I would expect Apple's direction for those in the...
  15. Gnomo

    $499 Mac on MWSF'05?

    If Apple does release this, I think it would attract more buyers if it does not have a monitor included. If this system is supposed to be attracting switchers, then the target audience most likely already have monitors. Those that are adding this system to their collection, would probably do...
  16. Gnomo

    Is the G5 PIG UGLY?

    Personally, the front of the G5 reminds me of those ceramic space heaters.
  17. Gnomo

    PHP web hosting

    Will it work? Most likely yes. As long as you are running the same major release (ie PHP 4) you should not have any major issues. There may be some minor problems if you try to use a function that does not exist their version of PHP, but this would only happen if they were several versions...
  18. Gnomo

    Need a tree diagrammer that's not OmniGraffle

    Actually, It has a limited number of objects that you can put on the screen w/o registering. But you can always go to the Omnigroup web page and get a trial license that enables full function for 1 day...and you can always get a new one tomorrow.
  19. Gnomo

    Ballmer is an idiot....

    <sarcasm>Obviously, if it doesn't belong to M$ it must be stolen (insert rant about 'lost' revenue here), and difficult to use. And of course, no one would ever put their CD collection on their iPod.</sarcasm> Really?? I lost all respect for Ballmer after his "Developers" (aka monkey)...
  20. Gnomo

    Dear Apple, please unify interfaces

    Yep. Looks pretty good. I still think the brushed metal looks a little sterile, but the color buttons help. Perphaps Apple will adjust the brushed metal over time (like they did with Aqua) :shrug: