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  1. Gnomo

    Dear Apple, please unify interfaces

    I can never really make up my mind in regards to the brushed metal vs aqua debate. I liked the brushed metal apps because they are small and they apps that use it look funny when demetalized. But, I like the aqua apps because they have more color and don't give my computer a 'sterile...
  2. Gnomo

    New feel is restrictive

    Wow. I don't think I would go that far. First off, there is nothing (at least that I've seen) in the XHTML Strict specification that prevents you from using tables for anything but tabular data. Also at this time, CSS layout (due to rendering bugs in Safari and IE never doing anything...
  3. Gnomo

    Dear Apple, please unify interfaces

    I agree. I've been saying this since I started using OSX... course it was the other way around (get rid of the brushed metal and go with aqua), but the brushed metal apps are growing on me. It would be nice if Apple had one interface design and allowed for easy skinning (maybe not actually...
  4. Gnomo

    New feel is restrictive

    I am not really a fan of the new look. I like the buttons and the smileys, but something about the color scheme and things like the font size of members names just doesn't feel right to me. I know it would take up extra space if we had to keep the images for multiple themes, but isn't a good...
  5. Gnomo

    DIV background colors

    Okay, I think I see your problem. 1st, remember <div> tags are only as big as they 'need' to be, unless sized by CSS. 2nd, in your <li> and <ul> tags have styles containing "position: absolute;". This changes they way that elements are rendered by the browser. Basically it takes the...
  6. Gnomo

    Need: Long-Range Airport

    Numbers, First, I don't think you need to worry about problems with the FCC. 802.11b & g are in the 2.4 GHz range which is an unlicensed frequency. What you would be doing is basically wireless bridging and is perfectly legal, many places use it to connect networks in different buildings...
  7. Gnomo

    3rd-Party Airport card for iBook?

    You are going to need a card that has a lucent connector in order to use the internal antenna and even then it could be iffy at best.
  8. Gnomo


    ScanVue seems to work well for most scanners that you cannot find drivers for. However, since you are looking for a free solution, I would suggest looking into SANE TWAIN, it is the linux scanner project and supports a large number of scanners.
  9. Gnomo

    For Sale: iBook/Powerbook Accessories

    The current iBooks and PowerBooks use the same adapter. The larger plug would make it compatible with the Clamshell iBooks and/or G3 Powerbooks.
  10. Gnomo

    Need: Long-Range Airport

    If you are really worried about someone using the network without permission, turn on mac filtering or some form of wireless encryption and turn off SSID broadcast. From my understanding of the problem, the 100 yard span crosses open ground. So wireless would be the cheapest and easiest solution.
  11. Gnomo

    Need: Long-Range Airport

    I would recommend against going the multiple airport express route. Not only would it be expensive, but I also think you would want to avoid doing a bunch of relaying of wireless signal. If you don't already have the DSL yet, I would probably suggest that you try to get it hooked up at the...
  12. Gnomo

    Need: Long-Range Airport

    I had looked into doing something similar and this is what I was told by the Apple store people: If you plug in to the external antenna port, the internal antenna no longer functions. So, you would want to put the directional antenna on the side that has the PowerMac. Otherwise you would...
  13. Gnomo

    Stop Forms in Safari - Execute Javascript

    Let's correct your syntax problem. "do" is apparently a reserved word, so you cannot use it as the name of a function. If you want to use a two letter function name try using "go". I would also suggest that you get a copy (if you don't already have it) of Mozilla. It has a javascript...
  14. Gnomo

    Tiger & .Mac Sync

    Anyone know if it is possible to get (ie download) the sync engine SDK? Will it be included with XCode 2?
  15. Gnomo

    Stop Forms in Safari - Execute Javascript

    Actually that won't prevent the form from being submitted. If you had a textbox and press "enter" the form would submit. Your best bet is to add this to your <form> tag. "onsubmit='doSomething(); return false;'"
  16. Gnomo

    CSS question regarding indents for <p>

    mdnky, Do you know of any good tutorials that exist for people wanting to learn CSS based layout? I've tinkered some, but haven't had much free time to really look into it. How is the browsers support for it? The last time I tried it, I got the page to render in the browser properly, but...
  17. Gnomo

    Can anyone tell me why these rollovers aren't working?

    Well, those tags are a left over from the early days of javascript. They are commonly referred to as "cloaking". This allows browsers that do not support javascript to ignore the code, because they think the code is an html comment. Dreamweaver most likely put them in order to maintain...
  18. Gnomo

    to XHTML or not to XHTML?

    Does anyone know of a website that lists the XHTML rules for tag placement? For example, when I run XHTML through the validator with this code <ul> <li>Something</li><br /> </ul> It tells me that the <br /> tag cannot be placed there, but doesn't say why. (Yes, I know that I can get...
  19. Gnomo

    creating multiple css selectors for links

    Can you post your css file for use to see?