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  1. C

    6 Questions about the Transition

    I disagree on #1. There are still lots and lots of things that *could* be different about the Intel Mac than the Intel PC Clones. Lots. And knowing apple, I'd bet they'll be plenty different. A CPU is but *one* component in the machine.
  2. C

    visual under mono

    You don't need an IDE to develop for mono (or anything .NET). A simple text editor and the command line compiler are all you need.
  3. C

    Why couldn't Apple go With AMD?

    Two Words: Market. Share. Intel has the facilities to meet any demand. They have across the board brand recognition and they have the quality. If you're going to argue that AMD is a better chip - and that's a marginally viable argument *only* for the amd 64 chip - then you'll be limiting...
  4. C

    Why couldn't Apple go With AMD?

    Meet my two friends: Para and noid. :) No, at its heart, OSX is still a Unix based OS and no matter what you do, you can't run native Windows stuff on *nix without a thunking or emulation layer. Look at it this way... Linux has run on Intel for years and years and years... I don't see many...
  5. C

    JavaScript return false

    In theory. In practice, it's nearly impossible to be such a purist. Thus is the nature of the "least common denominator" model the web has become.
  6. C

    Perl for MacOS X?

    You are dead on, from my experience. As I mentioned, my company embraced Perl as *the* language of choice, retiring their java and c++ code bases over time. They still use C++ for the numeric/financial calculations, but that's about it. We have a very sloppy (personal opinion) mix of Perl...
  7. C

    CSS and why I hate Microsoft

    When it comes right down to it, the fixes you have to build into your CSS (and sometimes to the HTML/XHTML you generate) are rather small and low impact. The web has always been about compromising ideals in design and embracing the lowest common denominator. It seems that's simply not going to...
  8. C

    visual under mono

    Mono's a good product and it's coming along nicely. As Viro mentioned, you might as well ignore GUI applications for the time being. There's still too much Microsoft-native goo under the hood. I'd also encourage you to skip VB.NET and go right to C#. There's *far* more support, production code...
  9. C

    Perl for MacOS X?

    perl encourages sloppy, unstructured programming and it's object creation speed and performance (when using OO style programming) is abysmal compared to almost *anything* else you'll use. Perl is a great text-munging language with fantastic file IO support. Python is a good evolutionary step...
  10. C

    Just found this

    you just stumbled upon that? Dude, seriously... consider getting out into the sunlight now and then :)
  11. C

    Recommended Multi-functional scanner/printer?

    After much looking, several purchases and the subsequent returns, I landed with an Epson RX500. The drivers are native (not thunked into classic) and full featured. The hardware is nice - ink is a *little* pricey but not bad and the output is fantastic!! Scanning is nice, but there are nicer...
  12. C

    Possibly one of the best Ebay auctions...

    Wouldn't help if she was hot? <-- that's a joke, guys.
  13. C

    Caption the photo

    "Laura... Laura... I can't get the mothership from here. What do I do? Mommy??"
  14. C

    I shut down an eBay scam!

    I live near philly. Get me the info you have and don't ask any questions. ;)
  15. C

    I need some quick tips to make my old iMac SOAR! (nt)

    In real estate... no wait.. in computers, the three most important words are memory, memory, memory.
  16. C

    C++ compiling

    You, sir, are one patient man :)
  17. C

    C++ compiling

    I don't mean to sound like a jerk, honest, but does no one read basic manuals any more. If you're looking to work in a terminal window you're only hurting yourself if you don't spend a few minutes learning the basics of navigating unix/linux. Get yourself a "using linux" or "using unix" book...
  18. C

    Phonebook and Stocks widgets useless (UK)

    Oh, I'm aware of the standards. And as I mentioned, they're simply not being followed in many cases. And by more than Apple. For instance, when I moved into my new house recently, I changed my address at my bank. Later, when ordering parts for my motorcycle to be delivered to the new house, my...
  19. C

    A possible project.

    Just curious if you expect this to be a commercially viable thing or is it a learning/academic excercise? Thanks.
  20. C

    Phonebook and Stocks widgets useless (UK)

    There's a widge SDK available. Perhaps some localized customized versions - or a better globally supported version - are in order? Remember, Apple is a US-based company and, like many others, supports multiple languages, currency and number formats ( and such ) as conveniences to users abroad...