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  1. RGrphc2

    Apple's hidden & poetic message to hackers

    yea, it's true. The OS X for intel is so tightly secured it's not funny though from what i've heard, and most hackers that see this line just give up after words. 'cept for Maxxus
  2. RGrphc2

    Will Apple drop OS X in favour of Windows?

    I switched to Mac because of Stability and security. I wouldn't mind a dual-booting mac mini with a "normal" 3.5" hard drive. But i know that is a pipedream and it's not gonna happen. Apple will never ever ditch their OS for another companies. Apple is a hardware vendor, not software...
  3. RGrphc2

    monogram help

    I need help designing a monogram for a class project, one of my design courses and well i have struck "bottom" i can't think of anything to reflect a personal style. I like how the one i handed in turned out, but it needs a more personal touch. any good tutorial sites on how to make a good...
  4. RGrphc2

    1 GB ipod nano!

    i was hoping for bigger Nano's actually...a 1 GB, 4GB and an 8GB could dream, can't he? 1 GB - $149 4 GB - $199 8 GB - $249 a pipedream...but my dream really really tempted to buy a 1GB Nano..
  5. RGrphc2

    1 GB ipod nano!

    yea they are a lot cheaper now. Tempted to get a 1GB Nano for myself in Black...really tempted
  6. RGrphc2


    the kids station at menlo is a short white table with bean bags surrounding it. looks a lot like ikea furniture
  7. RGrphc2

    Who has gotten their Macbook Pro

    I just noticed at the apple online store it says that the Macbook Pro is now in stock. Has anybody here ordered them or gotten them in?
  8. RGrphc2 word association!

    o' rly?
  9. RGrphc2

    Iran: Thoughts?

    get in line behind me. I never thought america should have been in Iraq in the first place. What happened to Osama? I don't think America will do anything in Iran because of their investment in this Nation (oil money) & Halliburton
  10. RGrphc2

    Insance mac setup

    Well at least yours is cleaner :)
  11. RGrphc2

    New to Mac

    Theres a neat app for 12.95 called AppZapper, just drap and drop the file you want to delete and it will find any and all files related to it. Preferences, Plists even DMGs that are still on your computer and it will remove it.
  12. RGrphc2

    Windows on the new mac?

    people have been trying but to no avail, which i think is a good this. The new intel macs use EFI not BIOS like many people originally thought. They have booted the Vista install Disk, but it never actually installed. has probably the best info on this
  13. RGrphc2

    Disney buys Pixar

    Eisner the old CEO of Disney treated Pixar and Co, terribly they had them in a horrible contract that Pixar wanted to get out of. But seein that Eisner was replaced (thank god, destroyed Disney) i think Pixar will probably stay with Disney if they're not bought buy them
  14. RGrphc2

    Bluetooth turn off/turn on

    Is there any way to turn on/turn off bluetooth with either a keyboard command or an apple script? I normally shut off my bluetooth before puttin my Powerbook to sleep, is there any way to do this a without resorting to system preferences bluetooth etc. I want this because most of the time...
  15. RGrphc2

    Insance mac setup wow wow wow lets just say wow...i want this dudes setup
  16. RGrphc2

    Apple Intel Comercial - copycat PostalService ?

    wasnt both videos made by the same guys? god...everybody stop crying!!!!
  17. RGrphc2

    Apple Store or

    if you can use a student discount from the apple store, and don't buy ram from them, buy ram from cruical..
  18. RGrphc2

    Nice! But what happened to 12" and 17" MacBook Pros?

    Remember though, the 15" is supposed to ship february (1st Quarter) ater MWSF, i wouldn't be surprised if the "MacBook" makes an appearance during the month of Feb or March, along with the 12/13.3" and 17" MacBook Pros
  19. RGrphc2

    Nice! But what happened to 12" and 17" MacBook Pros?

    Remeber when the Powerbooks first came out, it was the 15" first, then the 12 and 17" later on. That's what they are probably doing again. The TiBook came out, then the Al 12" and 17" books came out
  20. RGrphc2

    Intel iMac Disassembled

    hope thats a joke! I don't plan on buying RAM from Apple (going to Crucial to get RAM), I know with the G5's it had a nice look to the inside of it. Not getting one till 2007 if i'm lucky though, i'm sure it will get beter