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    the new G5 in maya Render benchmarks

    Well, it was kind of insulting. I run Boxx windows machines with absolutley no extra software on them. 3 GB of RAM with 300 GB of HD storage strictly for rendered images. I should have been more specific though. XP doesn't crash... Maya simply stops rendering after 30 to 60 frames and has to be...
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    the new G5 in maya Render benchmarks

    Yes, but Windows crashes so much I still get more frames out of my G5 than my Win boxes.
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    Freefall's out, but not free

    Just implied from your title: "Freefall's out, but not free"
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    Freefall's out, but not free

    Who ever said it was going to be free? It isn't a screensaver either. What the developer said was that it was an application which would at a later date have a free screen saver version(limited). Go back and check the WWDC QT stream.
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    Shouldn't apple make another laptop line?

    The answer is NO! To many lines are confusing and drive away buyers.
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    How long does it take for the iPod to ship

    Tracked mine from Shanghai. Took 5 days.
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    Freefall screensaver from WWDC...

    This is basically a satellite tracking application. More for space buffs than the average every-day person, but it should make a sweet screen-saver. It can display real-time or hyper-time tracking info. I am not that big a space nut, but I just might buy this to wow the pc using friends...
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    Keynote uploaded!

    My router is hosed and I can't watch the damn thing. Only get bits and pieces.
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    WWDC Webcast or Store

    In a rather interesting turn of events... the wwdc keynote from last year has been removed from their servers. I do know that Apple market centers will be getting a sat downlink, but you need to be invited or an Apple employee. So if anyone knows an Apple employee who works at a market center...
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    WWDC Webcast or Store

    Probably won't see him much more at all since you posted his AIM name here: AIM IM with Phil Schiller <schiller> LOL!
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    WWDC Webcast or Store

    TechTV was once a happy, beautiful cable channel dedicated to the tech world. It had such shows at "The Screensavers" and "Call for Help". They were a mostly tech agnostic and featured Windows, Mac and Linux info. It's hosts were intelligent and in some cases downright hot . It was...
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    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    I think you are wrong in this to an extent. Very few people build their own machine. I have in the past, but for PCs I now use Boxx. I can't take the risk of having downtime and they offer one day turnaround for complete system replacement. The majority of pc users are far better suited to...
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    OS X Tiger?

    I would suggest everyone use the pro edition since home is a feeble, hobbled OS. My wife's machine runs home... it has the most problems of any of the machines in our house (8 at the moment, and that includes an old OS9 iMac), from networking to app starting up to restarts to just up and...
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    New G5 shipping delays

    Not to start any rumors... BUT, My friend the Apple rep is secretly hoping the delays are due to Steve-O springing the 3Ghz procs on everyone at WWDC. He is telling me that the new machines are simply not being shipped in large volumes despite the supposed early availability of the machines...
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    OS X Tiger?

    Just a clarification. Windows XP upgrade can be had for $199. Still no bargain in my mind considering it's flaws.
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    OS X Tiger?

    Try installing Panther on your older mac... it will run fine. Then when Tiger comes out it will also run fine on your newer machine (probably your older one as well). OSX allows for a lot more flexibility when running on older hardware than say... Windows.
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    iTunes 4.6 Breaks hymn (aka Fairplay)

    [EDITED BECAUSE OF INFO ON HOW TO CIRCUMVENT APPLE'S DRM.] No need to use illegal software that Apple will continue to break anyway.
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    Where is Motion?

    WWDC probably.
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    Post your desktop!

    I whipped up a quick icon for ya. It will be revised later, it is pretty much dreck... but figured it went with your desktop.
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    Video on demand through iTunes

    Uh... WRONG! The old teaser is still there, but there is a new trailer loaded with new stuff.