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    Mac G4 won't finish startup after 10.2.3 update

    I had the same issue with running the Software Updater. From now on I will always update with the downloaded updater instead. Just as an aside... I have multiple partitions/drives and use carbon copy cloner to make a dupe of my current system just in case something like this happens and I...
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    Disk Image wonkiness under 10.2.3

    I have just updated to 10.2.3 and I am now unable to mount disk images (.dmg). Anyone else seeing this or perhaps seen it in the past? Thanks... Anim8r
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    Picture of your setup

    Actually, the data on a cd is inserted onto the foil between sheets of plastic by tiny monkeys, so it can't really "slide off"... but if you look closely you can see that the foil is still exposed all around the edge. I have tried sealing it with clear nail polish, airplane glue and sealing wax...
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    Picture of your setup

    Bob, you need to move that hub so it lies flat. Data can sometime slip out from around the ports if you have it tilted like that. Same thing that can happen when you drop a CD from higher than 4 feet. :)
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    Coolest iPod Ever Everything you need to use your iPod pretty much anywhere.
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    Coolest iPod Ever

    I had one, but they attract dust and dirt like nobody's business. I got myself the Xtrememac kit and love it!
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    Picture of your setup

    Sorry... you are right. 3x512 = 1.5 GB Drunk with the sheer power! Bwahahaha
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    Picture of your setup

    OK, here we go... My current setup. I left out the Titanium laptop and the Dell notebrick. Forgot to post the stats Dual 1 Ghz G4 Quicksilver 2 Gb RAM 150 GB HD Used for most everything and Maya Dual 500 Mhz G4 512 MB RAM 200 Gb HD...
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    Will Ferrell switch video

    Actually I questioned wether you were, I didn't actually say you were. I just get tired of seeing all sorts of negative posts from people who it seems have no real love for the Mac platform (ie; Windows users/trolls). Nothing personal meant by it just wondering. I found the Farrell spot...
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    I have to vent!

    I just left a dinner party at my neighbors... His brother-in-law was there and we got to talking about computers. He asked if I had seen those lame apple ads. I said I thought they were kinda cool and that I loved my Macs over my PCs (yes, I have both... multiple machines). He then asked...
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    Will Ferrell switch video

    OK, I just have to ask... Is ubermac a PC troll? Cause I can't seem to find a post anywhere where he has anything positive to say about Apple or the Mac. Even on those rare ocassions when he tries it comes out as a slam. So I have to ask, "Ubermac, why are you here?"
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    I bought my first PC

    Another dumb Mac vs. PC thread... From what I can see there is a lot of disinformation being thrown about on both sides. Annihilatus: First of all, why PC trolls seem to find it necessary to hang around on a Mac site is beyond me. Secondly, the points about usability/productivity have...
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    Easier Solution: Select all the names and drag them to an empty folder. This creates Vcards. Now just do the import in Mail.
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    Replacing New beach ball with Jaguar Beta Blue

    I was wondering if anyone had attempted to replace the new spinning beach ball (YECH) with the spinning blue ball from the OSX.2 betas? Not seeing it a lot, but would rather have the blue sphere.
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    DID you subscribe to .Mac ?

    I signed up, hey you get Virex which normally runs $50. Such a deal!
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    Mac os 10.2

    Well Sim... I aint dreaming. Since I am getting this info from within Intel and Apple i think it is probably pretty reliable. My two sources don't know each other and I may have blown a couple of friendships releasing this info. But i think it is close enough to general release that it might be...
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    Mac os 10.2

    Yeah, can you hand me a tissue? I have an intel stuck in my OSX and it is making me sneeze. Is that too cryptic?
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    Mac os 10.2

    AH.. AH... CHOOOintelOOOOO! Sniff, sniff. I'm sorry, did you hear something?
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    How Apple SHOULD Do OS X Updates

    Just what are you people doing with your CD's anyway? Aside from music discs, my CD's never go that far from the office and if they do, I have a case to transport them in. If it is such a valuable commodity then treat then properly and you won't need to have this argument. If you need a...
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    Compiling dynip application for OSX

    I was wondering if anyone has attempted to compile the dynip dynamic addressing programming ( for OSX. This is the Linux/UNIX version and it has been succesfully compiled for FreeBSD, so i figured it souldn't be a problem. Of course being the...