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  1. D

    Imac won't startup..

    oh i killed it :( So why did that happen? Did i cause it? Or like did it just decide to die today?
  2. D

    Imac won't startup..

    Hi, Today when i turned my imac on..It started to make some weird nosies and then it froze up , So i restarted it & it worked fine for awhile & then started to make the weird nosies again , then froze. I restarted it again & the same thing kept happening..working for awhile , then weird...
  3. D

    Apple DvD 3.1.1

    Hi , That doesn't work , still the dvd player opens. Its just not with the dock though , even if i click on the application in the folder , it still opens the dvd player. The only way to open the application without it opening the dvd player is by opening something that uses the...
  4. D

    Apple DvD 3.1.1

    Hi , I have this problem where whenever i open any program like internet explorer or calculator , just any program , the dvd player opens instead. In the dock if i click the icon for internet explorer then instead of internet explorer opening the dvd player starts to open instead. Does...